III. Vertebral Column: Cervical Region: C3-C6 Flashcards
What are the modifications of the superior epiphyseal rim of a typical cervical?
anterior groove, posterior groove, right and left uncinate processes
What surface feature is located at the lower margin of the pedicle?
inferior vertebral notch
What bony feature is attached to the posterior end of the pedicle?
the articular pillar
What is located at the top of the articular pillar?
the superior articular process
The superior articular process will provide support for what bony feature?
the superior articular facet
What is located at the bottom of the articular pillar?
the inferior articular process
The inferior articular process will provide support for what bony feature?
the inferior articular facet
What is the name of the surface feature observed between the ends of the articular pillar?
the groove/sulcus for the dorsal ramus of a cervical spinal nerve
What bone feature is attached to the posterior part of the articular pillar?
the lamina
What ligament attaches to the lamina of a typical cervical?
ligamentum flavum
Ossification of the ligamentum flavum at the attachment site on the lamina will result in what feature?
para-articular processes
To what parts of the typical cervical vertebra is the transverse process attached?
the vertebral body and the articular pillar
List, in order, the osseous parts of the typical cervical vertebra transverse process beginning at the vertebral body.
costal element, anterior tubercle, costotransverse bar, posterior tubercle, true transverse process
What is the distal modification of the costal element of a typical cervical vertebra?
the anterior tubercle
What is the distal modification of the true transverse process of typical cervicals?
the posterior tubercle
What bony feature connects the anterior and posterior tubercles of a typical vcervical transverse process?
costotransverse bar or intertubercular lamella
What is the name given to the superior margin of teh costotransverse bar?
sulcus for the ventral primary ramus of a cervical spinal nerve
What is the name given to the modification of the anterior tubercle of the C6 transverse process?
the carotid tubercle
What is the usual condition for the caucasian typical cervical spinous process?
they are bifid
What is the usual condition for the African-American typical cervical spinous process?
they are non-bifid
What is the osseous modification at the distal end of the spinous process?
the spinous tubercle