III. Scope and limitations of resilience theories Flashcards
Stephen Bunker, Paul Ciccantell
Human geography
Tim Forsyth
Sociology - Science and Technology Studies
Bruno Latour, Michel Callon, John Law
Where is the ecology?
Integrated into the materio-spatial framework
Sociology | Materio-spatial world systems analysis (WSA)
Where is the ecology?
Biophysical world acknowledged as “real” but can never be fully objectively apprehended
Human geography | Critical realist political
Where is ecology?
Human and nonhuman, including biophysical, actors incorporated into analyses
Sociology - Science and Technology Studies | Hybrid Perspectives Action-Network Theory
Assumptions about human-environment relationship:
Conceptual separation of human/society and biophysical world
Sociology | Materio-spatial world systems analysis (WSA)
Human geography | Critical realist political
Assumptions about human-environment relationship:
“Social” does not exist; relations among humans are always mediated by non-human entities i.e. material, technological, biophysical
Sociology - Science and Technology Studies | Hybrid Perspectives Action-Network Theory
Drivers of social change:
Interconnected multi-scalar biophysical and social structures and processes; “flows of energy”
Sociology | Materio-spatial world systems analysis (WSA)
Drivers of social change:
Ecological degradation and social inequities exacerbated by environmental orthodoxies
Human geography | Critical realist political
Drivers of social change:
Continuous processes of change that emerge from “acts of translations” in actor-networks
Sociology - Science and Technology Studies | Hybrid Perspectives Action-Network Theory
Primary units of analysis and analytical approach:
- World systems structures and processes
- Materialist, structuralist analyses
Sociology | Materio-spatial world systems analysis (WSA)
Primary units of analysis and analytical approach:
- Knowledge production and contestation
- Poststructuralist analyses, within a realist ontology
Human geography | Critical realist political
Primary units of analysis and analytical approach:
- Actors, humans and nonhumans, and actor-networks
- Material-semiotic approaches that “follow the actors” and “processes of networking”
Sociology - Science and Technology Studies | Hybrid Perspectives Action-Network Theory
Strengths for resilience inquiries:
- Explicit consideration of biophysical dimensions in understanding social-environmental change
- Systems approach
- Long-term, historical perspective
Sociology | Materio-spatial world systems analysis (WSA)