III. Bacterial Infections Flashcards
A condition transmitted by airborn respiratory droplets with the following S/Sx: nasal pharyngeal, laryngeal, cutaneous infections, bull-neck appearance, leather like adherent membrane produced by an exotoxin. Bleeding of membranes may cause further spread causing paralysis of the palate and the pharynx
Diphtheria/Corynebacterium diphtheria (Tx: Pen G for 14 days or Erythromycin for 14days)
A condition transmitted via aerosol drops producing explosive outburst in series of 5-10 coughs in one expiration ending in high pitched whoop and conjunctival or petechal hemorrhages on the upper body/
Whooping cough/Bordetella pertussis (Tx: Erythromycin for 14 days)
Culture used for pertussis infection
Bordet Gengou agar plate
Complications of pertussis infection
H-S-O-A-P: hemorrhage, seizures, otitis media, atelectasis, apnea, activation of latent TB, pneumonia
A condition transmitted via droplets causing abrupt onset of fever, chills, headache, vomiting, rapid worsening of symtpoms within hours, initial morbiliform rash becoming petechial then purpuric within hours,
Meningococcemia/N. meningitidis (Tx: Pen G 250-400,000 U in 5-7 days, Ceftriaxone or Cefotaxime)
A condition assoc with meningococcemia characterized by diffuse adrenal hemorrhage, DIC, coma, and death
Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome
CSF finding in TB meningitis
Lymphocytic predominance, high protein, low glucose
Prophylaxis for Meningococcemia
Rifampicin, Ceftriaxone IM single dose, Ciprofloxacin single dose
An infection transmitted through ingestion of contaminated food and water from human feces characterized by prolonged high grade fever greater than 7 days, myalgia, abdominal pain, diarrhea/constipation, maculopapular rose spots on the lower chest or abdomen with a propensity for the ileum causing ileitis
Enteric Fever from S. typhi (Tx. 1. Uncomp: Chloramphenicol for 14d/Amoxicillin for 14d 2. Complicated: Ceftriaxone for 10-14d)
Infection transmitted via feco-oral route causing watery voluminous diarrhea initially evolving into frequent small volume blood mucoid stools causing significant dehydration
Shigellosis or Dysentery/ Shigella dysenteriae; flexneri, biydii, sonnei (Tx: Cefixime for 5 days, Ceftriaxone for 5 days, Zinc for 14 days)
Shiga-toxin, a potent protein synthesis inhibiting exotoxin in the colon which causes HUS is produced by what serotype of shigella?
S. dysenteriae serotype 1
An infection transmitted via feco-oral route, found in roots of plants, undercooked shrimps, crabs, raw clams, oysters and mussels causing acute onset of profuse painless, watery diarrhea with rice water consistency and fishy odor, vomiting, washerwoman’s hands, no abdominal cramps or fever noted.
Vibrio Cholera (El tor 01 and 0139), Tx: Tetracycline for 3 days (not for less than 9 yrs old) or Doxycycline single dose
Acquired via traumatic injury characterized by trismus, risus sardonicus, opisthotonus, boardlike rigidity, seizures
Tetanus/Clostridium tetani (Tx: TIG IM single dose
Manifests within 3-12 days after birth as progressive difficulty in feeding with associated hunger and crying, paralysis or diminished movement, stiffness to touch, spasms
Neonatal tetanus (vignette: poor suck, born at home, (+) spasms)
A condition caused by Treponema pallidum transmitted via sexual contact, transplacental transfer, blood transfusion, direct contact with infected tissues
Syphilis (Tx: Benzathine Penicillin G 50,000 U/kg IM)
Chancre (clean painless ulcer with raised borders), regional lymphadenitis, heals spontaneously in 4-6 weeks
Primary Syphilis
Manifests 2-10 weeks after the chancre heals, nonpruritic maculopapular rash on the palms and soles
Secondary Syphilis
Gummatous lesions (granulomas of the skin and muskuloskeletal system)
Tertiary syphilis
Congenital Syphilis: frontal bossing
olympian brow
Congenital Syphilis: unilateral or bilateral thickening of the sternoclavicular portion of the clavicle
Higoumenaki’s sign
Congenital Syphilis: Anterior bowing of the midportion of the tibia
Saber shins
Congenital Syphilis: barrel shaped upper central incisors
Hutchinson teeth
Congenital Syphilis: abnormal 1st lower molar
mulberry molar
Congenital Syphilis: linear scars on mouth, anus, genitals
Congenital Syphilis: painless knee joint swelling with sterile synovial fluid
Clutton joint
An infection acquired via exposure to rat contaminated water or soil manifested as abrupt onset of chills, fever, severe myalgia, conjunctival suffusion, vomiting and headache
Leptospirosis/Leptospira interrogans (Tx: Pen G 6-8M U for 1 week)
Stage of leptospirosis: Abrupt onset of fever, chills, sever headache, malaise, nausea, vomiting, myalgia, conjunctival suffusion with photophobia and orbital pain, hepatosplenomegaly, truncal red maculopapular rash
Anicteric leptospirosis, Septicemic phase
Stage of leptospirosis: Brief asymptomatic interludde with recurrence of fever, now biphasic in character with aseptic meningitis
Anicteric leptospirosis, Immune phase
Stage of leptospirosis: hemorrhage and cardiovascular collapse, RUQ pain, hepatomegaly, increased liver enzymes, hyperbilirubinemia, azotemia, oliguria then anuria
Icteric/Weil’s syndrome