Igneous Flashcards
What is an igneous rock?
Igneous 1
Rock: crystals of one or more mineral bound together in a mixture.
Igneous rocks comprise the ==majority of our accessible planet==.
- Granite: coarse grained/phaneritic
- Corse-grained/phaneritic: a rock whose grains (crystals or sediment particles) are roughly pea-sized or larger and are visible to the human eye
Minerals include:
- (Na) Plagioclase feldspar (white),
- K-feldspar (pink)
- and quartz
- +/- a black coloured (mafic) mineral (e.g., biotite)
What are the differences between intrusive and extrusive rocks?
Igneous 1
Igneous rocks form when you crystallise a melt (associated with volcanoes).
- Intrusive: where magma cools and solidifies within the Earth’s crust (plutonic)
- Extrusive: where magma is expelled from the Earth’s interior and soldiifes quickly on the surface (volcanic)
What are some types of igneous textures?
Igneous 1
Basalt (structured lava of basalt composition):
- These rocks (i.e.,basalt) are typically extrusive rocks with an aphanitic texture due to very quick crystallisation and formation on the Earth’s surface which prevents the contained minerals from growing into large crystals.
Andesite (lava containing lots of bubbles):
1.These bubbles contain gas that didn’t escape from the liquid which were then quenched. -
Rhyolite(: lava that is nearly 100% glass (obsidian))
- Mafic rock (stands for magnesium and iron)
Basalt (structured lava of basalt composition):
VESICULAR texture:
Pumice: very frothy light-coloured cellular rock, full of interconnected gas bubbles (type of vesicular/pyroclastic rock)
- This texture is characterised by small cavities or holes called vesicles which are formed due to dissolved gases in the magma which escape as the pressure decreases (depressurisation) and rapid cooling occurs during extrusion.
- Due to high concentrations of vesicules, that means pumice is very bouyant and can float on water.
Pumice: very frothy light-coloured cellular rock, full of interconnected gas bubbles (type of vesicular/pyroclastic rock)
Pyroclastic rock: formed from fragments of chilled magma (pyroclastic = fiery fragments)
- These pyroclastic rocks form when explosive eruptions discharge lava into the air that wield together due to heat and pressure that results in fragmental, glassy material that can either fall in the form of volcanic ash, bombs or lapilli (rock fragments ejected from a volcano).
Pyroclastic rock: formed from fragments of chilled magma (pyroclastic = fiery fragments)
Where can intrusive igneous rocks form?
Igneous 1
- Intrusive rock could form anywhere shown below, in the magma storage chamber or the overlying volcano feeder system:
- where it can take thousands of years to crystallise due to its position underground surrounded by rocks which are a great thermal insulator.
- Granite, diorite and gabbro are intrusive phaneritic-textured igneous rocks which are coarse-grained with their minerals clearly visible.
Why do melts form?
Igneous 1
Temperatures of molten rock: 650 —1100C
- Where does Earth’s heat come from?
- Why isn’t the Earth all molten?
In regards to the Earth’s internal energy:
1. Kinetic energy of impacts:
1. the process of accretion where the impact of collision of smaller asteroids created a monumental amount of kinetic energy and heat that contributed towards its molten state. Additionally, the massive amounts of gravitational potential energy produced also steadily converted into heat while the planet cooled.
2. Latent heat of fusion:
1. the amount of energy in the form of heat that must be provided to a solid substance for it to convert its physical state into a liquid (melt) helped to preserve the Earth’s molten state
3. Radioactive elements:
1. the radioactive decay of unstable, short-lived radionuclides (i.e., uranium, thorium, etc)
- A geotherm charts how the temperature varies with depth (pressure) within the Earth:
- the temperature required to melt given rock are about 650 to 1200°C at 10 to 50km below.
- However, not all rocks melt at the same temperature. Every solid has its own energy threshold to which point the bonds move apart to form a .
The Earth’s geotherm is never above the solidus
Solidus: the temperature below which a magma or melt becomes completely solidified and crystallised into a solid rock.
To melt a mantle, you need to “disturb the geotherm”:
1. Add heat
1. If more energy was added from the Earth’s interior, it would exceed the solidus and result in partial melting.
2. Reduce pressure
1. If pressure was confined, it would require more energy to break (most important means of melting on Earth)
3. Change the (chemical) composition
1. Through volatile-assisted melting
What is decompression (adiabatic) melting?
Igneous 1
- Decompression (adiabatic) melting: where the mantle rock undergoes partial melting due to a rapid decrease in pressure from upwelling of the mantle without a significant change in temperature.
Mid-ocean ridges (divergent plate boundaries):
- Decompression melting forms mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB)
- Upwelling of the mantle: As the plates diverge, the underlying mantle rises to plug the gap.
- Decrease in pressure: The pressure decreases as the mantle rises due to the reduction of the overburden.
- Decompression melting: The partial melting of the mantle occurs due to the rapid decrease in pressure which results in the magma ascending and generating magmatism that forms the ocean crust.
- Decompression melting forms mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB)
Continental rifts (e.g. East Africa):
- Over time, it will become an ocean due to extension and creation of new oceanic crust depending on the degree of mantle upwelling that will eventually evolve into ‘oceanic spreading centres’ (i.e., the Red Sea)
- Additionally, diverse composition is found through the volcanics due to their not being an existing single large heat source along the rift vally.
- Over time, it will become an ocean due to extension and creation of new oceanic crust depending on the degree of mantle upwelling that will eventually evolve into ‘oceanic spreading centres’ (i.e., the Red Sea)
Mantle plumes (e.g., Hawaii):
- Mantle plumes: localised upwelling currents of solid rock within the mantle that are hotter and less dense than surrounding rock.
Heat-induced melting typically occurs at mantle plumes or hotspots where deep seated upwelling occurs,
- where the rock surrounding the plume is exposed to higher temperatures and the geothermal gradient crosses to the right past the solidus — with the rock beginning to melt.
- Both increased heat flow and decompression.
- Forms ocean-island basalt (OIB).
- Volatile-assisted (flux) melting
What is volatile-assisted melting?
Igneous 1
The process where the presence of volatile compounds (i.e., water, carbon dioxide or sulfur) lowers the melting temperature of solid rocks or minerals
- adding salt to water to lower the melting point of water (to stop roads from icing)
New ions increase the complexity of the chemical system reducing the energy required to break the bonds
- If you add volatiles to Earth’s mantle (H2O, CO2), you lower its melting temperature.
What is volatile-assisted (flux) melting?
Igneous 1
- Volatile-assisted (flux) melting: process that occurs in subduction zones and island arcs, where the addition of water and other volatile components (i.e., carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide and chlorine) to hot solid rock depresses its melting point to cause partial melting and the formation of magma.
Flux-melted magma produced through this melting produces many of the volcanoes in the subductions zones around the Pacific (i.e., Ring of Fire).
1. Oceanic lithosphere and hydrated minerals (when water ions bond with the crystal structure of silicate minerals) are contained within this subducting slab.
2. As the slab descends into the hot mantle, these hydrated minerals emit water vapour/volatile gases due to the increase in temperature.
3. These volatile gases are dissolved into the overlying asthenospheric mantle, resulting in a decreased melting point (temperature and pressure are unchanged)
What is sub-solidus (volatile-induced) melting?
Igneous 1
Colligative properties of solutions:
1. Colligative properties that depend upon the concentration of solute molecules or ions, but not upon the identity of the solute.
1. They include:
2. freezing point depression,
3. boiling point elevation,
4. vapour pressure lowering,
5. and osmotic pressure.
2. The freezing point of pure water is 0°C, but that melting point can be depressed by the adding of a solvent (i.e., salt) — melting point decreases with decreasing purity
How does the solidus and geotherm change for different tectonic environments?
Igneous 1
- Igneous rocks are intrinsically linked to plate tectonics.
- Plate tectonics are disturbing the geotherm.
- ~81% of magma annually erupted at divergent margins,
- 12% at convergent,
- 7% at hotspots.
What are the tectonic relations to igneous activity (and features)?
Igneous 1
1. Ocean-ocean: mid-ocean ridges
2. Ocean-continent: n/a
3. Continent-continent: East African rift
1. Ocean-ocean: **ocean trench and island arc ** (e.g., Aleutians)
2. Ocean-continent: ocean trench and mountain range (e.g., Andes)
3. Continent-continent: mountain range with deformed crust (e..g, Himalayas)
1. Ocean-ocean: part of a fracture crossing a mid-ocean ridge
2. Ocean-continent:
3. Continent-continent: (e.g., San Andreas fault)
How is melting not restricted to the mantle?
Igneous 1
- Increased heat flow causes melting of country rock (sediments, metamorphic rock, igneous):
- Mantle forming basaltic magma.
Continent-continent collision: mountain building events (“orogenesis”) — e.g., Himalayas, Alps, Caledonides (causes intense crustal thickening)
- Increase in heat and pressure in crust cause partial melting
Rule of thumb:
1. melt the mantle = basalt/gabbro
2. melt the crust = rhyolite/granite
How does total melting rarely occur with rocks?
Igneous 1
All mantle melting is ‘sub-liquidus’
- Congruent melting: melting of a compound when the composition of the liquid formed during melting is the same as that of the solid.
Incongruent melting: partial melting of a solid substance which results in the decomposition of a solid and liquid with different compositions compared to its original solid
- Different phases have different melting points.
- Rocks are multi-phase systems — each mineral has a different melting point.
- Additionally, during multi-phase/incongruent melting, a laccolith forms where a significantly large volume of melt with great enough buoyancy create a volcanic eruption.
What is a laccolith?
Igneous 1
- a body of intrusive igneous rock with dome-shaped upper surface that forms when magma rising through the Earth’s crust spreads out horizontally, splitting the layers of strata.
How do you classify an igneous rock?
Igneous 2
- Texture
- Mineral/chemical composition
The combination of the minerals present, plus the texture of those minerals, allow us to classify igneous rocks.
- Glassy ⟶
- FInely crystalline (aphanitic) ⟶
- coarsely crystalline (phaneritic).
(Increasing grain size and decreasing rate of cooling)
What is the cooling rate?
Igneous 2
Cooling rate:
- the rate at which magma or lava cools and solidifies — which affect the size and distribution of mineral crystals within the resulting igneous rocks.
- The rate is controlled by:
- The size/shape of the magmatic body
- Where it is forming
How does cooling rate affect crystal size?
Igneous 2
The faster the cooling rate, the more crystals form at the expense of larger crystals.
- You can use crystal size of an igneous rock to assess if it cooled slowly or rapidly (or in between)
What are magamtic intrusions?
Igneous 2
Magmatic/igneous intrusions:
- process by which magma crystallises and solidifies within the Earth’s crust which will force its way into/through the crust.
The intrusions will do this through:
1. existing planes of weakness,
2. by ‘stoping’ of the country rock if/when the intrusion grows.
What are examples of magmatic intrusions?
Igneous 2
- Sheet intrusion which is parallel and laterally moving to the present structures within host rocks which is concordant and exploits the plane of weakness underground.
- Sheet tabular intrusions consisting of igneous rocks that crosscuts preexisting country rocks, where sedimentary processes can also produce sediment-filled crack (i.e., clastic or sedimentary dikes)
- Dikes and sill are often interconnected, all from one magma source that takes the path(s) of least resistance.
Batholiths (plutons):
- Large, deep-seated intrusions that form from cooled magma deep in the Earth’s crust which are composed of multiple masses (or plutons) which are bodies of igneous rock of irregular dimensions
What is stoping?
igneous 2
- method by which intrusive igneous masses are supposed to make a way for themselves by breaking off blocks of the overlying rock and passing them downwards and backward until wholly or partially absorbed.
What are the term for ranges in crystal sizes?
Igneous 2
- > 15mm: super-coarse (pegmatitic)
- 3-15mm: coarse
- 1-3mm: medium
- <1mm: fine
What is the role of composition in igenous rock classification?
Igneous 2
Igneous rocks are predominantly composed of 9 elements:
1. Si (silicon)
2. O (oxygen)
3. Mg (magnesium)
4. Al (aluminium)
5. Fe (iron)
6. Ca (calcium)
7. K (potassium)
8. Na (sodium)
9. H (hydrogen)
By convention, we give the composition as oxides of the elements:
- SiO2, MgO, FeO, CaO, Al2O3, K2O, Na2O, H2O
- Event though these oxides are mostly not present in the magma or rock as distinct mineral phases:
- SIO2 ranges the most in igneous rocks:
- From ~45-75g/100g total (e..g, ~45 - 75 wt
Use this parameter to define broad groups of igneous rocks
What are the four categories of magma?
Igneous 2
- Felsic (or silicic) magma: 66-76% silica
- Intermediate magma: 52-66% silica
- Mafic magma: 45-52% silica
- Ultramafic magma: 38-45% silica
What are felsic rocks?
Igneous 2
Felsic rocks:
- Rocks that are made up of mostly felsic minerals (quartz, feldspars and muscovite)