Dynamic Earth Flashcards
What is cosmic time and how does it start geological time?
Lecture 2: Time
Geological time starts when the first solid material condensed in our Solar Nebula.
The Solar Nebula is a floating interstellar cloud where the process of planetary formation begins, where:
1. small ice and dust particles condense in a nebula,
3. Ice: volatile material (in a gaseous state, due to pressure and temperature conditions in the protoplanetary disk)
4. Dust: refractory material ( solids containing silicate minerals which form most of the rock on Earth)
5. other atoms or molecules attach to these particles which build into masses large enough to be attracted to one another by gravity (i.e., planetesimals),
6. gravity then pulls a swirling nebula inwards and merges into a “spinning disk” (with a bulbous centre)
7. in the context of the Solar System, the Sun was the central bulb whilst the planets formed from material in the flattened outer part (i.e., protoplanetary disk) which is moving fast enough to stay in orbit.
These solids accreted over and over, forming planetesimals (asteroids) which then formed planets
- What is the principle of uniformitarianism?
Lecture 2: Time
According to the principle of uniformitarianism:
- The physical processes that we observe today also operated in the past at approximately the same rates.
- These geological processes were responsible for the formation of geologic features that we now see in outcrops.
- Due to the slow nature and rate of most geologic processes, the development of individual features take a very long time.
- The Earth had to be much older than generally thought because observed geological processes work very slowly and at different times, therefore a succession of slow events must be included in the Earth’s history.
- What is the principle of superposition?
Lecture 2: Time
According to the principle of superposition,
1. In a sequence of sedimentary rock layers, each layer must be younger than the one below.
2. A layer of sediment cannot accumulate unless there is already a substrate on which it can collect (the layer at the bottom of a sequence of strata is the oldest and the layer at the top is the youngest)
3. When beds are tilted, this must have occurred after deposition.
4. The symbol (⅄) shows the direction of ‘younging’ (the direction in which sedimentary deposits or rock layers become progressively younger)
- What is the principle of original continuity?
Lecture 2: Time
According to the principle of original continuity:
- Sediments generally accumulate in continuous sheets in a given region.
- If you see a sedimentary layer cut by a valley, one can assume that the layer once spanned the valley and has been eroded by the river that formed the valley.
- What is the principle of cross-cutting relations?
Lecture 2: Time
According to the principle of cross-cutting relations:
1. If one geologic feature cuts across another, the feature that has been cut must be older.
2. If an igneous dike cuts across a sequence of sedimentary beds, the beds existed before the dike.
3. If a fault cuts across and displaces layers of sedimentary rock, then the fault must be younger than the layers.
4. In contrast, if a layer of sediment buries a fault, the layer is younger than the fault,
- What is the geological column?
Lecture 2: Time
No one locality on the Earth provides a complete record of our planet’s history as stratigraphic successions can contain unconformities.
- By correlating strata and rocks from locality to locality around the world, geologists have pieced together a composite stratigraphic column (the geological column), representing the entirety of Earth’s visible history.
The succession of fossils in the geological column define the course of life’s evolution through Earth’s history.
- What are the differences between relative and numerical age?
Lecture 2: Time
- Relative age: the age of one feature relative to and in respect to another in a sequence.
- Numerical age: the age of a feature given in years (absolute age).
- Numerical ages in years can be abbreviated to the units:
- Ka (-kilo) for thousands of years ago,
- Ma (-mega) for millions of years ago,
- Ga (-giga) for billions of years ago.
- Ways of determining relative age were developed in the 19th century by geologists such as Charles Lyell long before ways of defining numerical age.
- What is radioactive decay?
Lecture 2: Time
- Atomic number: all atoms of a given element have the same number of protons in their nucleus
- Atomic weight: however, not all atoms have the same number of neutrons in their nucleus — thus not all will have the same atomic weight.
> Atomic weight = (number of protons + neutrons)
- Isotopes (different versions of an element) have the same atomic number but a different atomic weight.
- Stable isotopes will last forever (i.e., 3He, 12C, 28Si, 56Fe).
- Unstable isotopes will undergo radioactive decay which converts them into a different element.
- Radioactive decay rates are commonly stated in terms of an element’s half-life (the time needed for half of a group of isotopes to decay)
- Who were able to find out the age of the Earth and how?
Lecture 2: Time
Arthur Holmes: Measured the ages of rocks from the content of radioactive Uranium (radiometric dating):
1911: 1640 Ma years
1943: 300 Ma years -
Clair Patterson: Conduted radiometric dating of an iron meteorite:
1953: 4560 Ma years
- What is the definition of geochronology?
Lecture 2: Time
Geochronology: the overall determination and interpretation of numerical ages of rocks.
- What is the definition of a mass extinction and what must occur for it to happen?
Lecture 2: Time
Mass extinction: a relatively sudden, global decrease in the diversity of life forms.
To be a mass extinction, the following must occur:
1. Extinctions occur all over the world.
2. A large number of species go extinct.
Why did this happen?
Throughout time, there are events where over 100,00 km2 of lava has erupted quickly, geologically-speaking.
Lecture 2: Time
- Describe a brief overview of the Earth’s structure.
Lecture 3: Earth’s Structure
- Mantle: Composed of silicate (silicate dominated system, also dominated by other minerals, i.e., garnet, peridot, mica, etc.) and is subdivdied into an upper and lower mantle.
- Core: Inner and outer core predominantly composed of iron and nickel as a metallic core.
- The outer core is a liquid with the convection of that liquid providing us with a magnetic field as:- heat escapes from the inner core that causes the iron and nickel to expand and become less dense,
- creating electrical currents that induce a new magnetic field.
- This magnetic field protects us from some forms of solar ionised particles
- What is a fault?
Lecture 3: Earth’s Structure
Fault: a fracture in which one body of rock slides past another which can generate earthquakes and seismic energy.
- How are earthquakes and seismic waves produced?
Lecture 3: Earth’s Structure
- Rupture of intact rock or frictional slip along a fault prduces an earthquake and seismic waves.
- These move outwards in all directions.
- Some travel:
- through the Earth (P- and S- waves)
- or along the surface (R- and L- waves)
- Some travel:
- The ability of a seismic wave to travel through a material and the velocity at which this occurs depends upon the character of that material (i.e., liquid and solid, different types of solids, etc.)
- Factors, such as:
- density (mass per unit volume)
- rigidity (stiffness of a material = resistance to shearing)
- and compressability (how easily a material’s volume changes in response to squashing)
- Factors, such as:
- The speed of waves is proportional to rock density:
- The amount of pressure released is proportional to the amount of overburden pressure.
- By using seismology, we can see inside the Earth to help us an understand the Earth’s interior, by measuring the ground and magnitude shaking.
- How do P- and S- waves function?
Lecture 3: Earth’s Structure
P-waves: compressional body waves (i.e., pressure)
The P-wave is moving through by compressing the material, therefore the denser the quicker.
- P-waves will travel:- at 8km/sec in dense igneous rock (e.g. peroditite)
- but 3.5km/sec in sandstone (a sedimentary rock).
S-waves: shear body waves
Particles of materials move back and forth perpendicular to the direction in which the wave itself moves.
- Seismic waves travel faster in solids than liquids (so more slowly in magma than solid rock)
- What is reflection and refraction?
Lecture 3: Earth’s Structure
- Seismic energy as waves will:
- reflect and/or refract when reaching the interface between two layers of rock of differing compositions and/or densities.
- This concept enabled the discovery of the crust/mantle boundary in 1909:
- where there was a massive discontinuity present in the Earth in terms of density and nature of materials.
- Calculations indicate the crust-mantle boundary is at 35-40 km depth.
- What is the structure of the mantle?
Lecture 3: Earth’s Structure
How do we know what the mantle is made of?
1. Fragments of the mantle erupted from the volcano are the dense ultramafic rock peridotite.
- It is considered the most abundant rock on the planet due to the sheer volume of the mantle in comparison with other layers of the Earth
2. Does this have the same composition and physical characteristics throughout the mantle?
- If so, the seismic waves travel in a straight line.
3. Discontinuities represent PHASE CHANGES:
- levels at which atoms are rearranged and packed more closely
- Example:
- At 410 km, olivine (aka. peridot) is unstable and collapses to form denser magnesium spinel.
- At 660 km, atoms rearrange to denser crystal structure, perovskite
- This enables us to divide the mantle up (no chemical change, only structural change)
- What is the structure of the core?
Lecture 3: Earth’s Structure
- In the core, the P-waves drop in velocity even with a significant increase in density of the liquid outer core and how it accommodates energy differently.
- The S-waves are prevented from travelling through the liquid.
- Additionally, the shadow zone: an area of the Earth’s surface where seismographs can’t detect direct S-waves from an earthquake.
Inge Lehmann (1936) theorised that:
- the unrefracted P-wave passes through directly through the core,
- but reaches the end point sooner than if the entire core was liquid, suggesting that aninner section of the core is solid.
- What is a rock?
Lecture 4: Rocks
Rock: a naturally occurring and consolidated material, usually comprised of one or more mineral phases.
a rock that forms when hot molten rock (magma or lava) cools and freezes solid. -
a rock that forms either by the cementing together of fragments broken off preexisting rock or by the precipitation of mineral crystals out of water solutions at or near the Earth’s surface. -
a rock that forms when preexisting rock changes into new rock as a result of an increase in pressure and temperature and/or shearing under elevated temperatures; metamorphism occurs without the rock first becoming a melt or a sediment.
- How do sedimentary rocks form?
Lecture 4: Rocks
Rocks that forms at one or near the Earth’s surface as a result of:
1. Cementation of grains and/or fragments derived from pre-existing rocks.
2. Precipitation of minerals from water solutions.
3. Growth of skeletal material in organisms
- Minerals: aluminium silicate frame (not soluble), calcium sodium potassium (soluble), dissolved into the river, transported down, joins together as crystals and make their way to the ocean, floor made up of clay and mud sediments, also sodium chloride and carbonates (used to build shells)
What is weathering?
Lecture 4: Rocks
- Weathering: the processes that break up and corrode solid rock, eventually transforming it into sediment.
- Physical weathering: (i.e, freeze thaw, coastal erosion, etc.): breaks rocks into unconnected grains or chunks.
- Chemical weathering (i.e., acid rain, calcium carbonate rich water, etc.): refers to the chemical reactions that alter or destroy minerals when rock comes into contact with water solutions or air
- Where do sedimentary rocks occur?
Lecture 4: Rocks
- In the upper crust as cover on older igneous and metamorphic rocks.
- Range from non-existent to several km thick in sedimentary basins.
- Cover 80% of the Earth’s surface, but only make up < 1% of the Earth’s total mass.
- What is the importance of sedimentary rocks?
Lecture 4: Rocks
- They contain a unique historical record of past geological events, changing environments and climate.
- They contain the bulk of the Earth’s energy resources (minerals, ores, etc. through sources, transport mechanism and deposition)
- Some sediments transform into soil, essential for life.
- All fossils came from sedimentary rocks/units.
Sedimentary rocks are sometimes made of dead things:
which allows us to chart the history and evolution of microorganisms.
- How fast and hot are pyroclastic flows?
Lectures 4: Rocks
Up to 30 metres per second and 1000C.
- What are effusive eruptions?
Lecture 4: Rocks
Effusive eruptions: characterised by outpourings of lava on to the ground.
- What is metamoprhism?
Lecture 4: Rocks
Metamorphism: compaction of heat temperature and pressure
(i.e., Durness limestone to Durness marble)
> Metamorphic rock: a rock that forms when a pre-existing rock (igneous or sedimnetary) is affected by changes in its physical or chemical environment.
- Such changes commonly include variation in temperature (T) or pressure (P)
- These changes result in the growth of new minerals and textures.
Characteristics of metamorphic rocks:
1. They contain a metamorphic texture: grains have grown in place and interlock.
2. They contain metamorphic minerals that only grow under high T and P.
3. They can possess a ‘foilation’ defined by:
- alignment of platy materials (e.g., mica)
- and/or alternation of dark and light layers.