IFRS16 - Leases Flashcards
Finance Lease
Initial Recognition
Lessor Accounting: Finance Lease
Classified as a finance lease if one or more apply:
- Transfers substantially all the risks and rewards associated with the asset to the lessee
- Lessee has the option to purchase the asset < expected fair value.
- Reasonably certain the option will be exercised.
- Present value of the lease payments amounts to all of the fair value of the asset.
- Specialised assets that can only be used by the lessee without major changes.
- Cancelled lease - Lessee compensates Lessor
- Gains and losses from fluctuations in the fair value falls on the lessee.
- Lessee can continue the lease for a secondary period for a rate substantially lower than market value.
- Asset de-recognised in financial accounts
- Lease receivable is recognised as the right to receive payments from the lessee.
Initial Recognition
Lessor Accounting: Operating Lease
Classified as a finance lease if does not fit finance lease criteria.
- Risk and rewards have not been transferred over to the lessee ( i.e. responsibility for maintenance)
- Option for purchase at end of lease is not
- Asset remains in financial statements and payments are recognised as rental income in SPL
Lessor accounting: Finance Lease Recognition
Initial Recognition - Net Investment Value (NIV)
- Fixed Payments
- Index or rate dependent variable payments at the lease commencement date (@ implicit rate of interest)
- Residual value guarantees
- Unguaranteed residual values
- Purchase options that are reasonably certain to be exercised
- Termination penalties.
Initial Recognition Journal Entries
Dr Lease Receivable x,xxx (NIV)
Cr PPE x,xxx (NBV of asset)
(Dr) / Cr P/L x,xxx (Balancing Value)
NIV - NBV = Balancing Value (Loss Dr) / Gain Cr
Subsequent Recognition
To calculate the remaining receivables balance will require a table
Bal b/f + interest % - (Payments amount) = Bal c/f.
Subsequent Recognition Journal Entries
Dr Cash [Payments Amount]
Cr Lease Receivable
Lessor Accounting: Operating Lease Recognition
Initial Recognition
- Leave asset in the SFP
- Recognise the lease payments as income on the P/L in a straight line basis over the lease term.
- Any costs in negotiating the lease are added to the underlying asset.
- Asset depreciated as normal in accordance with IAS16 - PPE.
Subsequent recognition
How much lease income to recognise each year?
- [(annual payments * lease term)+ one-off payments] / Lease term = annual recognition.
Dr Cash - Cash received in period
Cr P/L Lease Rental - Income (Annual Recognition)
Cr Deferred Income - Balancing value
Recognise depreciation
Dr Depreciation
Cr Accumulated Depreciation