Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity and Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows Flashcards
CSOCIE Prof-forma
Two columns: Parent | NCI Equity B/F Total Comp Income [from CSPL for P & NCI] less: Dividends = Equity C/F
Equity B/F Parent Equity b/f (similar to CSFP w5): 100% of P's equity b/f P's % of S's Post-acq res up to b/f date. less: Impairment b/f = Equity B/F
NCI Equity b/f (similar to CSFP w4):
NCI @ Acq
NCI’s % of S’s movement in post-acq res up to b/f date.
= NCI Equity b/f
- P = all of parents dividend paid
- NCI = NCI’s % of S’s dividend paid. [paid to non-group investors]
CSOCIE Equity B/F formulas
Parents equity b/f formula:
P’s equity B/F [ on the face on individual SFP]
P’s % of Post-Acq Res up to B/F
= Parents Equity B/F
NCI’s Equity at Acq
NCI’s % of Post-Acq Res up to B/F date
= NCI Equity B/F
Post Acq Res:
S’s Equity B/F
less: (Net Asset @ Acq+ P’s Equity @ Acq)
= Post Acquisition Reserves at B/F
CSOCIE Total Comprehensive Income formulas
Parents Total Comprehensive Income: P's Comp Income less: P's % of S's Div S's Comp Income less: NCI % of S's Comp Income = Parent Total Comp Income
NCI Total Comp Income
S’s Comp Income
less: NCI % of S’s Comp Income
= NCI Total Comp Income.
Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows: Dividends received and paid
Calculate dividends paid to Parents: P's Retained earnings B/F [on CSFP] P's share of Profit [on bottom of CSPL] less: (dividend paid to parent shareholders) [balancing figure] = P's retained earnings C/F [on CSFP]
Calculate dividends paid to NCI: NCI B/F [on CFSP] NCI share of TCI [on bottom of CSPL] less (dividend paid to NCI shareholders) [balancing figure] = NCI C/F [on CFSP]
Calculate dividends received from Associates: Investment in Associate B/F P's share of profit of Associate P's share of OCI of Associate less: Investment in Associate C/F = Dividend received from Associate