IFRS 9 / IAS 32 Flashcards
What is the definition of an embedded derivative?
A component of a hybrid contract that also includes a non derivative host, with the effect that some of the cash flows of the combined instrument vary in a way similar to a standalone derivative
How do you account for an embedded derivative when the host is in scope of IFRS 9?
The entire contract must be classified and measured in accordance with that standard
How do you account for an embedded derivative when the host is NOT in scope of IFRS 9?
Can be separated out and measured at FVTPL if:
i) Economic risks and characteristics of the ED are not closely related to the host contract
ii) A separate instrument which the same terms of the ED would meet the definition of a derivative
iii) the entire instrument is not measured at FV with changes in the FV recognised in profit or loss.
Can measure the lot at FVTPL though
Define a financial asset:
- Cash
- an equity instrument or another entity
- contractual right to receive cash
- contractual right to exchange financial instruments with another entity under favourable conditions
- A non derivative contract which the entity is or may be obliged to receive a variable number of the entities own equity instruments.
Define a financial liability
- Contractual obligation to deliver cash or a financial asset to another entity
- contractual obligation to exchange financial instruments under potentially unfavourable conditions
- A non derivative contract to deliver a variable number of the entities own equity instruments.
Define an equity instrument
Any contract which evidences a residual interest in the assets of an entity after deducting all of its liabilities.
IFRS 9 - Financial assets initial measurement
Initial measurement must be at Fair Value + any transaction costs.
What are subsequent measurement options for an equity instrument?
Recognise asset but expense transaction costs
Gains/losses to P&L
Must be a longer term investment
Must decide at acquisition and cannot change
Transaction costs capitalised (can have a negative reserve for this instruments measured using FVTOCI)
How do you subsequently measure a financial asset Debt instrument?
Amortised Cost
Two tests to decide:
- Business model test
- Contractual cash flow test
When measuring Debt instrument using amortised costs, what are the criteria?
BML - must be held to maturity
CCFT - Must be held SPPI
When measuring Debt instrument using FVTOCI, what are the criteria?
BML Held to maturity must can be sold if replaced by an investment giving higher returns.
Financial liability - initial measurement and subsequent measurement
Fair Value less issue costs
Amortised cost ( always deduct transaction costs)
Disclosures required for financial instruments (IFRS 7)
- Carrying amounts of each one
- Any income/ expenditure, gain or loss within SPLOCI
- Risk associated with the financial liability and steps being taken to mitigate the risk
What is a derivative?
A contract which derives its value from the movement in an underlying financial market.
What are the 3 characteristics of a derivative?
It requires little or no initial net investment
It’s value changes in response to the change in a specified interest rate, security price, commodity price etc
Settled at a future date