IFRS 16 - Leases Flashcards
A contract contains a lease if it conveys…
the right to control the use of an identified asset for a period of time in exchange for consideration.
The customer controls the assets use if it has:
- The right to substantially all of the identified asset’s economic benefits and;
- The right to direct the identified assets use.
Capping the assets use is defining the scope of the asset. Does this prevent the leasee from directing its use?
IFRS 16 states that lease payments include the following (5)
- Fixed payments
- Variable payments that depend on index/rate
- Amount expected to be payable under residual value guarantees
- Options to purchase the asset that are reasonably certain to be exercised
- Termination penalties
What is a residual value guarantee?
The lessor is promised that the underlying value of an asset at the end of lease term will not be worth less than a specified amount.
What should the discount rate be?
The rate implicit in the lease.
If this cannot be determined, then the entity should use its incremental borrowing rate.
A right of use asset should be initially included at cost. IFRS 16 says that the initial cost of the right-of-use asset comprises:
- Initial measurement of the lease liability
- Lease payments made at or before the commencement date
- The estimated cost of removing or dismantling the underlying asset as per the conditions of the lease.
What does IFRS 16 say the lease term comprises?
- Non-cancellable periods
- Periods covered by an option to extend if reasonably certain to be exercised.
- Periods covered by an option to terminate if reasonably certain not to be exercised.
If the right of use assets is considered to be an investments property (sub - let), and it’s the business model to measure investment property using the fair value model, how is the lease measured?
Using the fair value model
If the right of use asset belongs to a class of property plant and equipment which is measured using the revaluation model, how should the right of use asset be treated?
Entity MAY apply IAS 16 to all right of use assets within that class.
Separating components - a contract may contain a lease component and a non lease component.
Unless the entity choses otherwise, how would the consideration in the contract be accounted for?
Allocated to each component based on the standalone selling price of each component.
What would be the impact is an entity choses to account for the lease and non lease components as a single lease?
The choice must be made for each class of right of use asset
Increased lease liability a the inception of the lease
Negatively impacting the perception of the entities performance.
IFRS 16 says the lease liabilities should be recalculated using a revised discount rate if:
- the lease term changes
- the entity’s assessment of an option to purchase the underlying asset changes
Lessor accounting:
What is a finance lease?
A lease where substantially all of the risks and rewards of the underlying asset transfer to the lessee
Lessor accounting:
What is an operating lease?
A lease that does not meet the definition of a finance lease.