IFR Knowledge Flashcards
When can you conduct a visual approach by DAY?
By Day. Within 30NM of that aerodrome not below the LSALT/MSA, the appropriate step of the DGA, or the MDA for the procedure being flown and the aircraft is established;
(1) clear of cloud;
(2) in sight of ground or water;
(3) 5,000M vis or the aerodrome is in sight and
(4) can maintain (1), (2) and (3) at an altitude not less than
(i) if in controlled airspace – 500FT above the lower limit of the CTA unless a clearance is received from ATC to depart and re-enter controlled airspace during the
descent; and
(ii) the minimum height prescribed by CASR 91, being 1000ft over built areas or 500ft
When can you conduct a visual approach by NIGHT?
By Night. At an altitude not below the LSALT/MSA, the appropriate step of the DGA, or the MDA for the procedure being flown, the aircraft is established:
(1) clear of cloud;
(2) in sight of ground or water;
(3) 5,000M vis; and
(4) can maintain (1), (2) and (3) at an altitude not less than:
(i) in controlled airspace – 500FT above the lower limit of the CTA unless a clearance is received from ATC to depart and re-enter controlled airspace during descent; and
(ii) one of the following:
– route segment LSALT/MSA; or
– the appropriate step of the DME/GNSS Arrival procedure, or
– if being vectored – the last assigned altitude.
until the aircraft is:
– within the prescribed circling area; OR
– for an aerodrome without an authorised instrument
approach procedure – within 3NM of the ARP, and the aerodrome is in sight; or
– within 5NM (7NM for a runway equipped with an ILS/ GLS) of the aerodrome, aligned with the runway centreline and established not below “on slope” on the T-VASIS or PAPI; OR
– within 10NM (14NM for Runways 16L and 34L at Sydney) of the aerodrome, established not below the ILS/GLS glide path with less than full scale deflection
Visual Circling
Cat C & D Obstacle Clearance
Visual Circling Area
Cat C & D
Measured from:
C: 4.20NM
D: 5.28NM
Measured from an Arc centred on the threshold
Cat C Vat
IAL approach speed
IAL approach speed
Max 180KIAS
Cat C MISSED APPROACH approach speed
Max 240KIAS
MISSED APPROACH Obstacle clearance and climb gradient
2.5% (152FT/NM)
MSA obstacle clearance
10NM & 25NM
VISUAL CIRCLING may only occur when the pilot:
a. maintains the aircraft within the CIRCLING; and
b. maintains VISIBILITY along the intended flight path, not less than the minimum specified for the procedure; and
c. maintains VISUAL CONTACT with the landing runway environment (threshold, approach lighting or other markers identifiable with the runway; and either
d. by night or day, while complying with a., b. and c. and from a position within the circling area on the downwind, base or final leg of the landing traffic pattern at an altitude not less than the MDA, can complete a continuous descent to the landing threshold using rates of descent and flight manoeuvres which are normal for the aircraft type and, during this descent, maintains an obstacle clearance along the flight path not less than the minimum for the aircraft performance category until the aircraft is aligned with the landing runway; or
e. in daylight only, while complying with a., b. and c., maintains visual contact with obstacles along the intended flight path and an obstacle clearance not less than the minimum for the aircraft performance category until the aircraft is aligned with the landing runway.
Wake Turbulence Separation
Full Length; &
Intermediate (More than 150m after takeoff commencement point of preceding aircraft); &
Full Length: 2mins
Intermediate: 3mins
Arrival: 2mins
Wake Turbulence Separation
Full Length; &
Intermediate (More than 150m after takeoff commencement point of preceding aircraft); &
Full Length: 3mins
Intermediate: 4mins
Arrival: 3mins
Wake Turbulence Separation
ATC distance:
Medium to Heavy
Medium to Super
Separation Minima for Take-off
An aircraft must not commence take-off until a preceding departing aircraft using the same runway has:
(1) crossed the upwind end of the runway; or
(2) commenced a turn; or
(3) if the runway is longer than 1,800M, become airborne and is at least 1,800M ahead
Runway Centerline Lighting
Change to white to alternating red and white to solid red
Runway Edge Lighting
Cat I or Cat II ILS
For Precision Approach runway Category I or II the lights in the final 600M of the runway show yellow
A missed approach must be executed if:
Not Visual
Straight-in landing cannot be effected unless a circling approach can be conducted in
weather conditions equal to, or better than those specified for circling
Not Visual when you reach the DA/RA height or MAPT
RAIM Warning or Loss of RAIM after the IAF
Outside tolerance during the final segment
Failure of aid or suspect aid and below MSA
Lost visual reference during circling
- Max Speed
- Time
note above highest MSA in turbulent conditions
BLW FL140:
230KIAS / 1 minute
Between FL140 to FL200:
240KIAS / 1.5 minutes
ABV FL200:
265KIAS / 1.5 minutes
Increase to 280KIAS or M0.8 subject to ATC approval
Angle of Bank
25 degrees; OR
Rate One
- whichever requires the lesser bank
Min distance for use of Radar on Ground between aircraft
Minimum distance behind other aircraft: idle/moving
Turboprop; &
15m idle / 23m moving
30m idle / 46m moving
Separation minima for takeoff
An aircraft must not commence takeoff until preceding aircraft (takeoff and landing) has:
- Crossed the upwind end of the threshold; or
- Commenced a turn; or
- If the runway is longer than 1800m, become airborne and is at least 1800m ahead
- Has vacated runway and is taxiing away; or
- A preceding aircraft using a different runway has crossed or stopped short of takeoff runway