IF1- Chapter 1 Flashcards
Risk Transfer
PH pays premium to insurer in return for insurer accepting unknown cost of the risk
Definitions of risk:
Doubt concerning outcome of a situation
Unpredicitability of loss and chance of gain
Risk transfer mechanism
Acceptance of unknown risk for an agreed premuim
Other meanings to ‘risk’ and example
peril/contingency- EG underwriter quoting for the risk and the range of scope required
What are those who carry the risk themselves
Risk seeking
Those who minimise the risk
Risk averse
what organisation sets standards for risk managemetn
what is risk control
elimination of reduction of risk
What are the different levels of risk control
Physical control- locks on doors
Financial control- transferring risk by taking out insurance
Developing risk culture- training employees in risk management
Elements of control
Detective controls- detects errors or irregularities
Corrective controls- corrects errors or irregularities
Preventative controls- keeps errors or irregularities from occuring
Components of risk
uncertainty, level of risk, perils and hazards
how is the level of risk asessed- example
frequency and severity
high frequency and low severity- motor insurance
Low frequency and high severity- oil spillages
what is a peril and hazard
that which gives rise to loss
what is a hazard
that which influences the operation or effect of peril- EG smoking cigs in a house
What are physical hazards
physical hazards relate to physical characterstics of the risk and include measureable demensions of the risk
what are moral hazards
arise from attitude and behaviour of people= careless, dishonesty etc