IELTS Phrases Flashcards
몇몇 사람들은 ~라고 생각한다. 수동형태
Relying on people is seen as a weakness by some.
나는 A를 ~라고 생각한다
난 ~한 사람이었다
I consider A to be adj
I would say I was
그는 몸이 별로 좋지 않다.
He doesn’t feel well.
= He is poorly.
= He is sick.
= He is not in good condition.
그는 극장 티켓을 예매했다.
He has booked theatre tickets.
= He has arranged to see a play.
= He has got tickets for a musical.
그는 물을 무서워한다.
He is scared of the water.
= He is afraid of being on the water.
= He is frightened of the sea.
그리고 난 크루즈 그렇게 끌리지 않아.
I don’t fancy the cruise, either.
난 바다를 싫어해. 그리고 파도가 거칠면 무서울거야.
I hate the sea, and I’ll be sick with fear if the waves are big.
오늘 저녁 어디서 먹을래?
Where shall we eat tonight
우리 그래야될 것 같아.
I suppose we’ll have to.
호텔에 핸드폰 두고 왔어
I’ve left my phone in the hotel.
테이블 예약하고 싶으면 전화만 하면 돼.
You can just call them if you’d like to book a table.
Extraposition 외치
Legislation was passed and services introduced that addressed each of the ‘five giants’
= Legislation that addressed each of the ‘five giants’ was passed and services that~’five giants’ introduced.