IELTS 2023_Week 08 Flashcards
The newly-born lamb + V + prep. + its feet
The newly-born lamb STAGGERS TO its feet
Synonym of «bred for their meat»
«reared for their meat»
Minor operation means?
tieu phau
dong vat thuan chung
domesticated animals
kiem soat va diet tru dich venh
to control and eradicate diseases
Synonym of destroy (in disease study)
to eradicate
Termidology means?
Cosmology means?
Thuat ngu hoc
Vu tru hoc
Meat is … (nhiem doc)
Mazes are often built by thick and high ….
Mazes are often built by thich and high HEDGES
Mosaic fine art
Nghe thuat KHAM
To relief + … + anxiety
a. to
b. from
c. with
d. in
B. From
Yoga is able to promote h…ing + m…f…
yoga is able to promote healing and mindfulness
xu hướng này sẽ liên quan đến chi phí sử dụng điện thoại thông minh cao hơn.
this tendency is associated with a higher cost of using smartphones
Không có gì ngạc nhiên khi mỗi người dùng có nhiều ứng dụng khác nhau trên thiết bị của họ, điều đó có nghĩa là phí sử dụng ứng dụng tích lũy có thể cao đáng kể đối với người trả tiền.
It is no surprise that each user may have various applications on their devices, which means that the accumulated fees could be significantly high for payers.
to chuc thuc thi phap luat in English?
law enforcement agents
embryo means?
bao thai
arribadas means?
synonym of being frenzy
synonym of precipitously
~ quickly & suddenly
synonym of plunder
~ loot
what is clutch?
a group of eggs
để đối mặt với các mối đe dọa bổ sung như đánh bắt thâm canh, phát triển bãi biển và biến đổi khí hậu
to confront additional threats, such as intensive fishing, beach development, and climate change