IDs Points and Treatment Protocol Flashcards
List of Internal Demons Points
- Master Point Below XIII-15
- XI-25
- XI-32
- XI-41
What is this?
Internal Demons Protocol
CV Master Point
Find CV-15, Dove Tail
On the anterior median line, 7 ACI superior to the umblicus, inferior to the tip of the xiphoid process. CV Master point is just below.
Stomach-25, Heavenly Pivot
On the abdomen, 3 ACI lateral to the median line, at the level of the centre of the umbilicus, on the lateral edge of the rectus abdominus.
3 ACI, find inside of hipbone, at the edge of the rectus abdomnis, acrossfrom the belly button
Stomach-32, Postrate Hare
On the anterior surface of the thigh, 7 ACI proximal to the flexure of the knee, between the vastus lateralis and the rectus femoris.
Find Knew Crease on Inside and Outside
ACI knee Crease to Groin - 13 ACI
Feel Inferior Edge of Greater Trocanter
7 ACI from outside knee crease
Go to Knee Dimple, and finger will point to it (L shape)
Stomach 41, Released Stream
At the middle of the anterior flexure of the ankle, between the tendons of the extensor digitorum longus and the extensor hallucis longus.
Find Ankle Crease, pop over middle tendon
What needling technique is used during IDs?
- Insert Needles right to left and turn 180 Counter-Clockwise
Symptoms of Ids
Veiled Eyes
Qi Wild Pulses (chaotic, pounding, rapid)
Conflicting CSOE
Panic for no reason
Panic Attacks
Interference with Decision Making
Chronic Anxiety & Grief
Stuck in Bitterness
Mental Illness
Psychotic Episode, Multiple Personalities
Not feeling like self
Pulses Off or Pulses wrapped in bubblewrap
Life is out of Control
Nightmares, bizarre dreams
Obsessions, compulsions and addicitions
Treatment not progressing