Idomatic Expressions Flashcards
Estar, Tener, hacer, Dar
Estar a punto de
to be about to
Estar apurado
to be in a hurry
Estar al día
to be up to date
Estar a la moda
to be fashionable
Estar de acuerdo
to agree
Estar de moda
to be in style
Estar enamorado de
to be in love with
Estar seguro de
to be sure of
tener agallas
to be brave
Estar Harto de
I am fed up with
Tener celos
to be jealous
Tener Frío
to be cold
Tener ganas de
to want to
or … to feel like …
Tener hambre
to be hungry
Tener la culpa de
to be guilty / responsible of
Tener miedo
to be scared
Tener paciencia
to have patience
Tener pereza
to be lazy
Tener prisa
to be in a hurry
Tener razón
to be right
tener sueño
to be sleepy
Hacer cola
to wait in line
Hacer ejercicio
to excercise
Hacer el papel de
to play the part / role of
Hacer la cama
to make the bed
Hacer las compras
to do the grocery shopping
Hacer la vista gorda
to look the other way
Hacer pedazos
to smash
Hacer una pregunta
to ask a question
Hacer caso a alquien
to listen / to pay attention to someone
Hacer falta
to lack / to be in need of
Dar la luz
to give birth
Dar de alta
to discharge a patient
Dar de qué hablar
to give people something to talk about
Dar ganas de
to make you want / make you feel like doing something
Dar gusto
to please you
Dar la carra
to take responsibility
dar la hora
to tell someone the time
Dar miedo
to scare you
Dar pena
to feel embarrased
dar la mano a alguíen
to shake someones hand
Dar la razón a alguien
to say something is right
Dar las gracias a alguien
to say someone thanks
to thank someone
Dar cuenta de
to realise something
dar por vencido
to give up
dar los buenos días
to say good morning