idioms rozne Flashcards
in good shape.
doing well
The business is in good shape.
to stand still.
stop developing and expanding
We can’t really afford to stand still.
be right back at square one.
have to start again with nothing
If we fail, we’ll be right back at square one.
stay as we are?
make no changes
Should we expand or stay as we are?
play a waiting game.
see how a situation develops before doing anything
It might be better to play a waiting game.
go down that route
choose an option
If you go down that route, you’ll need to plan the expansion carefully.
set in stone.
impossible or very difficult to change
touch a nerve
do something that someone is sensitive about
know deep down
“Znać głęboko wewnątrz/wgłębi serca”
think something without showing people that you do
She may not admit it, but she knows deep down that she made a mistake.
shoot the messenger
blame the person who delivers unwelcome news
It’s their baby.
be someone’s special project
think with your head
use logical thinking
to foot the bill
zaplacic rachunek
to nip in the bud
zdusić w zarodku
getting a good handle on
zdobywanie solidnego zrozumienia lub kontroli nad czymś.
\dobrze sobie z tym poradzić
Our team has been working hard to get a good handle on the project requirements.
get cracking.
eager to start
Jane wants to get cracking.
We have a lot of work to do, so let’s get cracking and finish this project.
getting bogged down
to wyrażenie oznaczające utknięcie lub utknięcie w trudnościach lub problemach. Oznacza to, że ktoś lub coś zaczyna mieć trudności w kontynuowaniu postępu lub działania ze względu na pojawienie się problemów lub komplikacji.
a bad taste in her mouth.
cos nieprzyjemnego
It may leave people with a bad taste in their mouths if the last thing they look at is the cost.
Put simply, we want to be as upfront about everything as possible.
Krótko mówiąc, chcemy być jak najbardziej szczerzy we wszystkich kwestiach.