Idioms I Flashcards
aliquid consilii
some new plan
Caesare consule
in the consulship of Caesar
celerius opinione
sooner than anyone supposed
inita aestate
at the beginning of summer
minus dubitationis
less doubt
nihil reliqui
nothing left
nihil vini
no wine
plus doloris
more pain
quantum boni
how much advantage
quid negotii
what business
quod navium
what ships
ad extremum
at last
adverso colle
up the hill
adverso flumine
aequo animo
with contented mind
alienum aes
alienum tempus
an unfavorable time
allii aliam in partem
some in one direction, others in another
aversi ab hosti circumventi
surrounded by the enemy in the rear
certiorem eum facere
to inform him
certior fieri
to be informed
a dextro cornu
on the right wing
a fronte
in front
a pueris
from boyhood
a sinistro cornu
on the left wing
ab armis discedere
to lay down the arms
ab signis discedere
to leave the ranks
ab officio discedere
to fail in one’s duty
ab cohortatione
after exhorting
ab eis defendere
to defend against them
ab milibus passuum octo
eight miles off
ab re frumentaria laborare
to suffer with respect to provisions
ad equum rescribere
to enroll in the cavalry
ad hunc modum
in this way
ad milia decem
about ten thousand
ad speciem
for show
ad unum
to a man
ad urbem
near the city
ad urbem pervenit
he arrived at the city
ad Alpes pertinent
extend as far as the Alps