Idioms - Friendship Flashcards
Jacob and Greg are as thick as thieves.
very friendly with someone, cinkostársak
Abbie turned out to be a fair-weather friend.
a friend who is only there for you when things are going well
Chloe and Charlotte have been joined at the hip recently!
people who spend a lot of time together, össze vannak nőve
know Tamara inside out and I can guarantee she would never do that!
to know someone very well, kívül-belül ismerem
Paulo has always been a shoulder to cry on for me.
person who conforts you
Kate and I move in the same circles, so I know her quite well.
to socialise with someone who has the same lifestyle as you, azonos körökben mozog
Oscar and I agreed to bury the hatchet.
elásta a csatabárdot
Please come to my house later for a chat. We need to clear the air.
to get rid of bad feelings between people, often with a discussion, tisztázza a dolgokat
make up with someone
levezeti a stresszt
relieve stress
to get on well immediately
to hit it off
to agree with sb
I see eye to eye with Chris about almost everything.
make fun of somebody, especially by copying them
to take the piss
banter, it’s hard to tell if that’s just banter or you’re actually being serious
to speak to friends in a playful or teasing way
to laugh at sb, in an unkind way
to make fun of
he’s kidding, joking
he’s teasing you
Blame it on the weather
okold az időjárást
abbattere questa barriera culturale
breaking down this cultural barrie
Néha bele akartam építeni a ‘mate’ szót a beszélgetésbe
I’ve tried to work ‘mate’ into conversations sometimes