Idioms Flashcards
A person who reads a lot
Something that is intentionally done or made to be very similar to something else
A person who is intelligent, smart, bright
Dark horse
A person who keeps their interests and ideas secret
A person who agrees with everything their employer, leader, etc. says in order to please them
Plain jane
A woman or girl who is not attractive
Average joe
An ordinary, typical person who can do everything in a average level
Party animal
Someone who enjoys parties and party activities very much and goes to as many as possible
Jack of all trades
Someone who can makes very different jobs
Party pooper
Someone who spoils other people’s enjoyment by disapproving of or not taking part in a particular activity
Social butterfly
A person who likes to attend parties and other social events, often not having serious relationships with other people
Know it all
A person who thinks that they know much more than other people
Someone who is very energetic, determined to be successful, and able to deal with new or difficult situations easily
Pain in the neck
Someone or something that is very annoying
Someone, usually a woman, who tries to attract a rich person, usually a man, in order to get presents or money