Idioms Flashcards
to refer to people tho think they’re they best
no tener abuela/no le hace falta abuela
i got it!
it’s/I’m done!
se acabo
to make a lot of $/profit
hacer el agosto
no big deal
ser agua de borrajas
someone easily depressed - you’d drown in a cup of water
ahogarse en un vaso de agua
makes my mouth water
me hace la boca agua
it’s in the past, shouldn’t pay attention
ser agua pasada
to find a needle in a haystack
buscar una aguja en un pajar
to give airs of (grand dame)
se da aires de gran dama
if X (unlikely) doesn’t happen, we’re screwed
estamos en el aire
to get fresh air
tomar el aire
to be involved in s.t. secret or illegal
estar en el ajo
my heart fell (to my feet)
se me cayo el alma (a los pies)
he left VERY fast
se fue como alma que lleva el diablo
to discharge someone medically
dar el alta (me dieron el alta)
to join, become a member (of a organization)
darse de alta en una organizacion
it’s on you (you’re doing s.t. wrong)
alla tu/el/Us
for the love of it (not expecting $)
por amor al arte
to be plump
estar de buen ano
someone getting older
entrado en anos
don’t lie about your age
no te quitas anos
I’m SOOO tired, in bad mental/physical shape
estoy para el arrastre
This house is a MESS/in bad shape
esta casa esta hecho un asco
subject is conspicuously absent
brillar por su ausencia
She’s in charge here
ella parte/corta el bacalao aqui
stops being a member of an organization
darse de baja en una organization
for free
de balde
per person
por barba
she don’t show me respect
se me sube a las barbas cada vez que quiere
don’t interrupt the convo
no metas baza
to hit the target
dar en el blanco
i had a brain freeze/loss of memory
me quede en blanco
to have a sleepless night
pasar la noche en blanco.
everything went according to plan
todo salio a pedir de boca
to say s.t. because required, don’t believe
decir algo con la boca chica
to have a great time
pasarlo bomba
i can name X off the top of my head
a bote pronto puedo nombrar X
packed (crowded)
estar de bote en bote
the guy is REALLY STUPID
es tonto del bote
to make a living
buscarse la vida
annoying me/talking at length
calentar la cabeza
to be mentally unbalanced
estar mal de cabeza
to lose one’s control/mind
perder la cabeza
to get (idea) out of your head
quitar de la cabeza (debes quitarle a el de la cabeza que se case
to seal and shut completely
cerrar a cal y canto
to give both good and bad results (to give one of lime and another of sand)
dar una de cal y otra de arena
to open up path in life/make $
abrirse camino; estudia para poder abrirte camino en la vida
to predict s.t. b/c of evidence (she’ll be a ballerina)
ella LLEVA CAMINO DE convertirse en bailarina
tell the good news to all
echar las campanas al vuelo
to hear bells and not know where from (to misunderstand)
oir campanas y no saber donde (tu has oido campanas..)
to be in a really bad situation/have a rough time
las esta pasando canutas (pasarlas canutas) (passing joints)
to cost one dearly (b/c of mistakes)
costar caro
simple and basic; everything i’m wearing is for walking at home
esta ropa que llevo puesta es de andar por casa
to waste $/throw the house out the window
tirar la casa por la ventana
HAVE TO to do something to not lose something important
hay que agarrarse a un clavo ardiendo
to guess right/hit nail on the head
dar en el clavo
to drink too much
empinar el codo
to talk too much
hablar por los codos
made of the same stuff/weak points; limps from the same foot
cojear del mismo pie
know’s the person’s habits/weak points
saber de que pie cojea/no fio en ti porque se de que pie cojeas
it’s about X
ser cosa de X
it’s easy; like like sewing and singing
ser (como) coser y cantar
that’s not relevant/has no bearing
no venir a cuento
has been shocked before and can’t be again
estar curado de espanto
(person) has an easy life without having to work
vivir del cuento
to make (someone) understand
dar a entender
gives a lot to think about/gossip about
dar que decir; lo que insinuo va a dar mucho que decir
she’s repeating s.t. heard elsewhere
se hace eco de algo
words/X that spread easily
palabras que TIENEN ECO
will produce results (measures)
surtir efecto; medidas surtiran efecto
to put in dispute (my reputation)
poner en entredicho
to correct a mistake/injustice
deshacer un entuerto
(person) gives me a bad feeling
dar mala espina
will result in damage
pasar factura
to stoke a fire
atizar el fuego
to set fire (to s.t)
pegar fuego
to become a fad/fashion
hacer furor
con ganas (es rico con ganas)
to want to take revenge on someone
tenerle ganas a alguien
to win (an argument); bring the cat to water
llevar gato al agua
to get to the point
ir al grano
To fit perfectly (clothing)
Sentarse como un guante
De lo que no hay
To pretend ignorance; look the other way
Hacer la vista gorda
Refer to something getting worse and worse (e.g. marriage)
Hacer aguas
All the same to me
Me da igual
To accept a situation, get used to the idea
Hacerse a la idea
Refers to: No possible comparison
Donde va a parar
To come to a stop/end
(Figuratively: to get at, in convos)
Ir a parar
Donde quieres ir a parar con esto?
Expresses that situation is going to take a long time
Ir para largo
To defend
Romper una lanza por
To defend
Romper una lanza por
Implying that s.o. Delays s.t. on purpose
Dar largas
Implies long, detailed convo
Hablar largo y tendido
Expresses subject talks/insists too much, in an annoying way
Dar la lata
Implies saying something that shouldn’t be said
Irse de la lengua
To bite one’s tongue
Morderse la lengua
To get all mixed up
Hacerse un lío
To give birth
Dar a luz
To give birth
Dar a luz
To become public
Salir a la luz