Idioms Flashcards
Slovenský výraz: Lepší vrabec v hrsti, ako holub na streche
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
Example: John: We’re thinking of buying another company to double in size.
Steven: Careful, you don’t know if our structure can support that. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, remember
Lepší vták v hrsti, ako dva vtáky v kríku.
Achillova päta
Achilles heel
Example: His Achilles heel was that he could not delegate.
Slovenský výraz: Prilievať olej do ohňa.
Add fuel to the fire.
Example: Shouting at a crying child just adds fuel to the fire.
Prilievať benzín do ohňa.
Slovenský výraz: Kvapka v mori.
A drop in the bucket.
Example: That’s just a drop in the bucket.
Kvapka vo vedre.
Slovenský výraz: Tvrdý oriešok
A hard nut to crack.
Example: Persuading drivers to leave their cars at home and use public transport will be a very tough nut to crack.
Tvrdý orech na rozbitie.
Finančná rezerva. Úspory, ktoré si človek odkladá na neskôr
A good nest egg.
Example: Start investing early and invest regularly in order to build a nest egg for the future.
Dobré hniezdo.
Slovenský výraz: Vrabce štebotali
A little bird told me.
Example: Jill: Thank you for the beautiful present! How did you know I wanted a green silk scarf? Jane: A little bird told me.
Malý vtáčik mi povedal
Slovenský výraz: Mať “zlaté srdce”
A heart of gold.
Exapmple: He’s a tough guy, but with a heart of gold.
Srdce zo zlata
Slovenský výraz: Sme všetci na jednej lodi.
All in the same boat.
Example: My sister failed her driver’s test, and I’ll be in the same boat if I don’t practice parallel parking.
Všetci v rovnakej lodi
Slovenský výraz: Som samé ucho
All ears.
Example: Tell me about your first day at the new job—I’m all ears!
Všetky uši