Idiomatic Verb Expressions Flashcards
caerle bien
to make a good impression
caerle mal
to make a bad impression
dejar caer
to drop (to let fall)
hacer caer
to knock over
dar a
to face, to be facing
dar a conocer
to make known
dar a luz
to give birth
dar asco
to disgust
dar con
to meet, to run into, to hit on
dar contra
to hit, to knock against
darse cuenta de
to realize
dar de beber
to give a drink to
dar de comer
to feed
dar en
to hit, to strike
dar la bienvenida
to welcome
dar la espalda
to turn one’s back
dar la hora
to strike the hour
dar las gracias a
to thank someone
darse la mano
to shake hands
dar lo mismo
to make no difference
dar pena a
to aggrieve
dar por
to consider, to regard, to assume
darse por vencido
to give up, to acknowledge defeat
dar un paseo
to take a walk, to take a ride
dar un paso
to take a step
dar una mano
to lend a hand
dar una vuelta
to take a walk, to take a ride
dar voces
to shout
dar vueltas a
to think something over
dar la vuelta
to turn around
como se dice
how does one say?
dicho de otra manera
said in another way… in other words
diga! o Digame!
Hello (on the phone) or tell me
el que diran
public opinion (what people will say)
es decir
that is to say, I mean
mejor dicho
rather, I mean,
no hay mas que decir
there’s nothing more to say
no me digas!
You don’t say
querer decir
to mean
echar a + infinitive
to start/begin to do something
echar a perder
to ruin, to spoil
echar abajo
to demolish, to overthrow
echar de menos
to miss
echar la culpa (a)
to blame
estar + gerund
to be doing something (i.e. estoy aprendiendo espanol)
estar a
to be priced at, to cost
estar al corriente de
To be up to date on (to be current)
estar como el pez en el agua
to be right at home (like a fish in the sea)
estar conforme con
to be in agreement with
estar de + profession
to be working as a (profession)
estar de acuerdo
to agree
estar de buen humor
to be in a good mood
estar de mal humor
to be in a bad mood
estar de vacaciones
to be on vacation
estar de viaje
to be traveling
estar de vuelta
to be back, to have returned
estar en buenas condiciones
to be in good shape
Ya que
since, now that (can be used at the beginning of a sentence, for example, without making the sentence a question (unlike porque)).
estar en malas condiciones
to be in bad shape
estar en las nubes
to daydream (to be in the clouds)
estar fuera de si
to be beside oneself
estar hecho polvo
to be worn out (to be made into dust)
estar hecho una sopa
to be soaked
estar listo
to be ready
estar por + infinitive
to be about to, to be on the verge of