Ideology Key Terms Flashcards
Relationship of sympathy, co-operation and harmony between people that anarchists believe means that they have no need to be regulated by the state
Mutual aid
Anarchist notion that the most successful species are those that employ solidarity and co-pe ration rather than individualists competition
An egoistic act that anarchists believe allows individuals to elevate themselves above established institutions, leaving them to wither and die
A system of equitable exchange between self-governing producers and small-scale possession
Revolutionary trade-unionism that uses direct action and mass strike as expression of working-class power to inspire revolution
Abolition of private property and replacement with collective ownership
Change to conserve
Idea that society should adapt to changing circumstances by introducing moderate reforms, rather than reject change outright and risk revolution
Human imperfection
Traditional conservative belief that human are flawed in multiple ways, rendering them incapable of decision-making
Idea that society is formed of self-interested and self-sufficient individuals
Noblesse oblige
Nobility and privilege entail social responsibilities, such as duty to care for the less fortunate
Rejection of permissiveness, which is the belief that individuals should make their own choices
Knowledge comes from experience instead of theory
‘Night watchman’ state
The role of the state must be restricted to reserve liberty