Ideologies - Socialism Flashcards
Define: Socialism
Socialism is a philosophy which believes in human altruism and seeks varying degrees of equality, common ownership and collectivism; whether by revolution or via the ‘parliamentary route’.
What are the two end goals of socialism?
- Fundamentalist socialism - seeks to abolish capitalism entirely.
- Revisionist socialism - merely seeks to reform and tame capitalism.
What are the two means of achieving socialism?
- Revolutionary socialism - seeks mass working class uprising.
- Evolutionary socialism - seeks to pursue the parliamentary, ballot-box route.
What are the core principles of Socialism?
• A belief in the equality of outcome, recognises humans are not identical/equal in abilities or needs, but the inequality in Capitalism is unjust.
• Humans work best (most ethically and efficient) in cooperative social groups rather than as self-striving individuals.
• Fair distribution of wealth, income and social status means greater equality, pursued collectively.
• Society based on collectivism and equality would improve social cohesion and community.
What is the Socialist assumption of (positive) human nature?
- We are rational and altruistic beings, having the concerns for the welfare of others.
- We are also naturally social and cooperative beings. Mutual respect and peaceful interaction characterises our social relationships.
- Human nature is plastic (moulded by society), therefore it is possible to advance utopian views as this plasticity can allow us to have a high capability of personal/social development.
- Drawing inspiration from the enlightenment period, we are also reason-guided creatures capable of reshaping our lives and society for the better.
Why do Socialists favour equality?
- Mainly due to beliefs in altruism and collectivism, they believe that inequalities in Capitalism are the faults of the economic system and not of the poor and deprived themselves.
- Social equality (of opportunity) would therefore enhance positive freedom by safeguarding people from poverty and allowing them to flourish/self-fulfil.
- Positive freedom>Negative
Describe revolutionary socialism
Revolutionary socialists seek communism; the complete abolition of the Capitalist economy and state, and the achievement of an egalitarian society based upon common ownership.
Define: Communism
An economic system based on common ownership of wealth and social equality.
What are the two types of revolutionary socialists?
- Utopian (ethical) Socialism
- Marxism (scientific) Socialism
Both disagree upon the details of how to seek communism.
Describe Utopian Socialism
Devised by St Thomas More.
•A form of theorising about a perfect but non-existent society, usually devised to highlight and criticise the evils of present-day society.
• Positive concept of Utopianism implies a highly optimistic view of human nature as perfectible.
• Negative concept of Utopianism implies an over-optimistic view of human nature which envisages an unattainable fantasy.
Define: Capitalism
An economic system in which the means of production are privately owned and operated for profit, which is regulated by market forces.
How did Margaret Thatcher’s ‘Big Bang, 1986’ impact socialist policies?
- Removed regulation (business regulation) from banks, etc… And increased investment
- Socialist would want to distribute wealth therefore against profit motive to an extent.
Quote by Willian Godwin
“Perfectibility is the most unequivocal (clear) characteristic of the human species”.
In terms of Utopian Socialism
Give an example of Utopian Socialism
Robert Owen set up a Utopian factory community when he supplied good housing, education, and fair wages for his workers.
Describe Marxism
- A materialistic theory devised by Karl Marx, it sees economic factors as primary and that historical progress comes through economic conflict.
- Class system exists within capitalism. The bourgeoisie (ruling class) take the surplus value created by the proletariat (workers), as it is the only source of profit. Such exploitation generates class conflict.
- Combined with economic crises and recessions, will eventually make the workers aware of their exploitation. Workers will therefore rise up in revolution to overthrow capitalism and create a transitional phase of dictatorship by the proletariat.
Distinguish between the ethical socialism and scientific socialism
- Emotive and moralistic vs. objective and empirical
- Capitalism is ‘evil’ vs. Capitalism is a necessary economic stage
- Focus on ends vs. Focus on means
- Wishful thinking vs. Deterministic and predictive
Describe evolutionary socialism
Evolutionary socialists have accepted the liberal framework of pluralist, parliamentary democracy, constitutionalism and consent.
Their goals are usually more moderate than those of the revolutionary communists; they rarely seek the wholesale abolition of classes, none of them seek the disappearance of the state.
They see socialism as an end in itself, rather than just a transitional phase.
What is the inevitability of gradualism?
• By the turn of the 20th Century, the working class had been given the right to vote and were the majority class. • They would naturally vote for socialist parties which would act in their best class interests. Socialist parties would therefore regularly win electoral success and hence implement socialist parties. • Socialism via the ballet-box was thus inevitable, rendering revolution redundant. **Gradualism, 'evolutionary road' and 'Parliamentary road' are interchangeable.
Why did Evolutionary Socialism arise?
- Extension of the franchise (the vote) in the late 19th century, especially to the middle class.
- Christian Methodism rejected the violence likely to accompany revolution.
- Increasingly strong Capitalist States, capable of preventing revolutionary social change.
- Rise in wages and better standards of living meant that the working class integrated into mainstream society (e.g. Via trade unions).
Why and How do Socialists promote collectivism?
• Collectivism enhances a belief in the community, emphasising the social character of humankind and its capacity for collective action.
• They believe that selfish individualism is not innate but is a result of social conditioning, society will function best when people work harmoniously.
How? • Revolutionary socialists promote it via mass working-class uprising, collective ownership of the means of production and the abolition/disappearance of the state. • Evolutionary socialists promote it via state nationalisation, redistribution through progressive taxation, extensive welfarism and trade union.
Describe Eurocommunism
Eurocommunism was the label given to Western communist parties from the 1970s to the 1990s, when they abandoned revolutionary Marxism and pursued a parliamentary road to communism.
Applied in Spain, France and Greece.
Describe Democratic socialism
- Early evolutionary socialists such as Sidney Webb remained ‘fundamentalist’ in their goals. They still sought the complete overthrow of capitalism, but via the ballet box.
- Webb wrote the original clause IV of the UK Labour Party.
- They saw the state as a potential vehicle for progressive socialist advancement/reform (taxation, welfare, state nationalisation, common ownership, equality of outcome).
Describe Social democracy
- Post-war socialist parties abandoned ‘fundamentalism’ for ‘revisionism’ - they no longer sought to abolish capitalism but to reform it.
- Promotes a Keynesian mixed economy, which combines private and state ownership with moderate welfare and equality of opportunity.
Describe New Labour/The ‘third’ Way
- A neo-revisionist blend of free market capitalism and state socialism.
- Involves ‘stakeholding’ and ‘social inclusion’ to involve and provide wider opportunities for more people.
- Market-orientated capitalist economy where every individual has both rights and responsibilities.
How did Winston Churchill define Socialism?
“Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery”.
What is the Socialist view on collectivism?
Collectivism is the belief that humans operate best in cooperative social groups. (Due to our human nature)
Eg. John Lewis or Trade unions.
What is the Socialist view on Democracy?
Socialism should mean equality of ‘people power’ including rights and opportunities.
Eg. High turnout rates for elections is essential.
Quote about Democracy
“If we desire a society that is democratic, then democracy must become a means as well as an end”
~Bayern Rustiness
What is the Socialist view on Economy?
- Varies (usually mixed economy).
- Preference for common ownership and absolute social equality, state collectivisation and central planning.
- Social democrats support welfare/regulated capitalism, believing that the market is a good servant but a bad master.
Give 3 Marx Quotes
- “From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs”
- “The capitalist system is the only system which provides its own gravediggers”
- “Revolutions are the locomotives of history”
What is the Socialist view on community?
- Socialism creates community values through its principle of cooperation. This has greater practical and moral value than individual self-striving.
- Humans are bound together by common bonds of sympathy and fraternity, we are moulded by the society to which we belong and therefore owe obligations to it. It is within our nature.
- Wealth is collectively produced and therefore should be shared, positive social benefits may arise while equally distribution the workload.
What is the Socialist view on cooperation?
- Natural, social relationship between humans. Competition therefore encourages selfishness and encourages them to deny their social nature.
- Humans can be motivated by moral incentives rather than just material ones.
- Moral desire to work for common good encourages sympathy towards others, strengthening the community, whereas individual self-striving undermines this.
- Eg all employees of John Lewis partnership also share owners in the enterprise.
What is the Socialist view on social justice?
- Everyone is equal, we all have the same basic needs.
* Social justice is about satisfying the basic needs of all in society (eg. housing)
What is the Socialist view on social class?
- It is the most important way in which humans identify themselves.
- Socialism is most identified with the working class and it’s struggle for both political and economic liberation. The aim however is to establish an egalitarian society where classes are abolished.
Define: Social class
A division of society based on social and economic status -acquired mainly through economic success, accumulation of wealth and parental occupation.
• Socialists use social class as an analytical tool, viewing classes as the main source of economic and social change.
Why are socialist divided on the nature and importance of class?
Marx saw the proletariat differences as irreconcilable whereas reformist socialists aimed for social reform to make differences between classes better.
- Reformist see class and capitalism as a permanent feature of society. Therefore class harmony is possible if inequality is narrowed.
- Marxists aim to see a classless society due to belief that class conflict results in inequality.
Why has socialist identification with the working class declined?
- Mainly due to false class consciousness. (The embourgeoisement of the working class, with the adoption of middle class lifestyles based on car and home ownership).
- The durability of capitalism and the emergence of differences within the working class, including the development of an aristocracy of labour means the working class is not solid.
- Also the shift from industrial to service sector economies has led to a sharp decline in the size of the manual working class.
What is the Socialist view on common ownership?
- Competition and inequality are the product of private ownership, which is morally corrupting as it produces greed and negates communal obligations. Not within our nature, nurture takes place.
- Private ownership means that productive wealth cannot be used for the benefit of the community and this leads to poverty, as the owners of productive wealth seek to maximise their benefits. The workers create the surplus so should have a share in it.
- Socialists seek common ownership of productive wealth or capital to combat the wealth inequality and class conflict that private property can create.
Describe fundamentalist
- Reject capitalism entirely and seeks to abolish and replace it with a form of communism.
- This is because capitalism is seen to generate great inequality amongst society, especially through emphasising class distinctions.
- Fundamentalist would rather see a classless society where there is common ownership rather than private property, creates total social equality (of outcome).
- Eg. Marxist ideology
Describe Revisionist
- Seeks to reform/tame capitalism rather than completely abolish it.
- Revisionist socialists seek to reconcile socialism with capitalism to reduce economic and social inequality, rather than common ownership (creating social justice). Through a welfare state (redistribute wealth).
- There can only be evolutionary revisionist socialists, not revolutionary.
- Eg. Social Democracy
How do Marxist view property?
- Marxists are for the abolition of private property and promote common ownership instead. Wealth is produced by the collective endeavour, not individual efforts.
- Class is determined by property, therefore private property will inevitably lead to exploitation of the proletariat.
- Competition that private property creates can also lead to wealth inequality.
What does Clause iv state?
To secure for the workers by hand or by brain the full fruits of their industry and the most equitable distribution thereof that may be possible upon the basis of the common ownership of the means of production, distribution and exchange, and the best obtainable system of popular administration and control of each industry or service.
Why do some socialists promote a revolutionary road to socialism?
- Only practicable way to achieve socialism. Capitalism generated oppression and exploitation, so revolution is necessary.
- Any attempt to introduce socialism via the state is doomed to fail, the state will just counteract.
Why did Marx believe that capitalism was doomed to collapse?
- Marx believed that historical change comes about through a dialectical process, i.e. Class conflict between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat.
- The contradictions of capitalism would surface as the proletariat achieve revolutionary class consciousness, via the awareness of its exploitation. This would occur when capitalism goes through crisis.