ideolgies Flashcards
tripartite system
-grammar school
-secondary modern
-technical schools
comprehensive schools
Labour didn’t like grammar schools so introduced comprehensive in 1964
Had facilities like libraries, schools trips trying to close economic , cultural capital
Everyone could get in
Had libraries and facilities
Equal - everyone studied the same
Accept lower standards - postcode decided how good it was -postcode lottery
Still have sets /streaming , polar learning experience
Still Tri-parte but under one roof.
A02- window dressing , these politicians sending there kids to private /grammar schools
vocational education
Liked by chubb and moe
Begins 1988
Btechs , courseworks - things that prepare you for work
Practical training -placements
Gave people who struggled with exams a way of succeeding
Not designed for uni designed for jobs
Disadvantaged - got rid of placements
One effect of postmodernism on the education system is that education has become more individualised according to beck. This is where because we have more choice we have become more concerned with ourselves . For example, subjectives like PSHE have been introduced often taking place over academic lessons , schools have more pastoral staff and mental health leads , school counsellors and students can have pastoral passes to skip lessons. Even discipline is now handled with things called restart or reflection . This impacts education as mental health and obsessions with oneself has taken priority over lessons and education is no longer one size fits all . However this can be criticised as feelings are subjective , and teachers are trained as teachers not therapists and further schools are contradicting this with target culture , adding pressure and stress to meet their expectation and pushing tests .
alisation and gender DEA
,change in employment ,decline in manual labour jobs[men dominant industry] , decline of hegemonic masculinity
More equal gender jobs , women suit globalisation jobs , men were still catching up , more meritocracy ,playing field levels, have broken glass, ceiling to an extend - 3 female prime ministers recently
A02- manual labour not completely gone , glass ceiling
Leads to a more feminised curriculum with things like coursework - tailored for women
A02- nearly 1 million manual labour jobs - education inst tailored /encourage them anymore
GIST - girls in science and technology- was a project in the early 1980s to try and address gender differences in subject choice and encourage more girls to choose sciences at school. It was followed by the similar WISE campaign, which still exists today [women in science and engineering ] a02-low success rate
National Curriculum = boys and girls largely study the same subjects.
BOALER -This is the main reason for girls’ improvement in achievement.
Education is more meritocratic –> girls have more equal opportunities and so will do better
liberal feminism
Liberal feminists - things have improved girls have more choice ,experience for girls is better , enjoyable , they are encouraged more ,broken through glass ceiling ,more ambition , education doesn’t match boys anymore
radical feminism
Radical feminists- patriarchy heart of society-fault of men ,women under a male panopticon [extensive control, being watched] always being watched , judged , control by men , also by female teachers , other females [girls judging other girls].
Women victim of abuse in schools by boys , male teaches
cohilition rundown
Lib dems said they would get rid of tuition fees , they had to compromise it and tuition fees went up again to £3000 , instead said they had to legalise gay marriage
Didn’t have any money so couldn’t invest - teachers’ pay didn’t go up , stagnates stops.-enter period of austerity [saving money]
Introduced academies ,became enforced , get money from the government so they can cDescribe education policies since 2015. Include the government lockdowns .reference libertarians [tory]
Ema went away because of lack of funding [auestriy ]
We had david cameron then theresa may then boris johnson , liz truss ,rishi sunak
Conservatives on their own
Tuition fees gone up £9250-fundings gone down -unis need money -still had to pay during lockdown
More academies - enforced academies -they could have more control
Went from letters to numbers [grading] [2017]
No fundings - school funding cut by 8%
2003- new teachers would have been on £20,000 [39,000 now] - now top teachers are on [40,000]
Teachers leave - affects students, don’t join ,no incentive
1 in 5 lessons per day are substandard
EBAC [ e bachulrate ] -intended for 95% of student to be doing by 2025 and t levels -criticism of this - a02 -still not encouraging students to get jobs
Ofsted continued -stressful [palmer,toxic],academies and free schools continued
More grammar schools -annexes [grammar schools set up schools under same name in local areas]
control the budget [run like business]
Free schools -set up by parents /local communities , ask students what they wanted to study , collaboration ,
Pupil premium -free school meals, ect. Bursaries ,
Got rid of coursework
Evaluate the view that government educational policies are effective in reducing social class inequalities in education
1870-education act - have to stay in school until 12 , then to 14
Tripartite system-grammar, technical , secondary modern
1964-comprehensive schools
1960s goes up to 16
1988-national curriculum -encouraged parentocracy
1997 - ema ,tution fees ect
2015 -Coalition - tuition fees , free schools , academies,
Diversity - t levels , aprenticships
Sure start
Educational maintenance allowance would provide intensive for working class students, giving them £70 a week if they were on time and £100 bonuses if their quality of work was good. This helped the perception of youth unemployment rates lowering
Contradicted with tuition fees - £1000
Sugarman immediate gratification
-set up by parents /local communities , ask students what they wanted to study , collaboration ,