Identifications Flashcards
Triiodothryonine (T3)
Thyroid hormone produced by thyroid gland which affects growth and development, metabolism, body temp, and heart rate
Thyroid-stimulated hormone (TSH) stimulates the thyroid gland to produce T3
Genital tubercle (5)
Body of tissue present in the development of the urinary and reproductive organs
Consists of a glans, urethral groove, paired urethral folds, and paired labioscrotal swellings
Forms in the ventral caudal region of embryos of both sexes at about 4 weeks gestation
By week 9, becomes clitoris or penis, and develops into glans penis or glans clitoris
Sensitive to dihydrotestosterone and rich in 5 alpha reductase
Processive stress
Referred to as psychological stress
Potential or eventual threat
In adults, responses to processive stress is blocked by lesions of the hippocampus
LHPA axis
Limbic-hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis
Endocrine stress response system in mammals
Helps the body remain stable under physiological and psychological stress (activation and inhibition of stress response)
Structures involved include: hippocampus, periventricular nucleus (PVN) of the hypothalamus, anterior pituitary and adrenal gland
Inhibition of stress response is accomplished by rate sensitive feedback, intermediate feedback, and delayed feedback
Adrenal medulla
Inner core of the adrenal gland which secretes epinephrine and norepinephrine
Main function: emotional arousal
Third interstitial nucleus of the anterior hypothalamus
Sexually dimorphic nucleus of humans
Tends to be larger in males than females (also homosexual males in the study by LeVay)
Possible implication in sexual orientation and sexual identity (found that transsexuals have size closer to the identified-with gender, although hormone replacement could be a confound)
Mullerian system
Mullerian ducts
A duct system in the embryo that will develop into female reproductive structures (fallopian tubes, uterus, and upper vagina) if testes are not present
Mullerian system
Anti-mullerian hormone (AMH; also called mullerian regression hormone)
A protein hormone secreted by the fetal testis that inhibits Müllerian duct development
A protein found in the plasma of fetuses
Binds to estradiol extracellulary and prevents entry into cells (explaining why all females aren’t masculinized)