Ident 5 Flashcards
Prunus x subhurtella ‘Autumnalis Rosea’
Calyx and Corolla in 3s
Numerous Stamen
Lonicera ligustrina var pileata
Estipilate leaves, simple or pinately compound. Opposite on stem.
Flowers usually zygomorphic and tubular or bilabiate.
Inferior ovary.
Abelia x grandiflora
Herbs shrubs or climbers
5 stamen from where the petals are fused
Formium tenax
Monocotolydonous herbs, or with woody stems, perennial or annual.
Often rhizomatous with rosultate, dischous, basal, or cauline leaves.
Often articulated pedicels and fruit a capsule or berry.
Griselinia littoralis
Shrubs, sometimes epiphytic
Simple leaves with entire, denate or spinose margins.
Dioecious with flowers having 5 petals and sepals.
Inferior ovary.
Ilex aquifolia ‘Aurea Marginata’
Dioecious trees or shrubs
Leave simple and alternate
Margins entire or spinose
Actinomorphi, unisexual flowers and inconspicuous
Superior ovary
Escalonia rubra var macrantha
Tree and shrubs
Simple, alternate leaves with glandular serrations
Flowers with 4-5 sepals and petals, mostly in terminal or axillary racemes, panicles or cymes
Viburnum davidii
Herbs, shrubs or small trees
Leaves opposite, margins entire or serrate
Actinomorphic flowers
Inferior Ovary
Prunus serrula
Trees shrub or herbs
Stipulate leaves
Swollen hypanthium
Cronus sericea ‘Flaveramea’
Woody perrenials
Leaves opposite on the stem
Bisexual flowers
Perinanth 5-merous
Inferior ovary
Akebia quinata
Mainly ever green, twinning wood vines.
Leaves alternate on the stem
Compound bi-triternate or trifoliate
Margins entire, leaflets elliptic
Inflorescence racemose or cymose
Prunus laurocerasus ‘Otto Luyken’
Trees shrubs or herbs
Stipulate leaves
Swollen hypantheum
Acer campestre
Exstipulate leaves, simple or compound often opposite
Petiole bases often swollen
Fruit often lobed samaras or swollen
Eucalyptus gunnii
Trees or shrub
Simple leaves sometimes opposite on stem
Camphor smell when crushed
Entire margins
Flowers with many stamens
Ovary inferior
Ilex x alaclerensis ‘Golden King’
Dioecious trees or shrubs
Leave simple and alternate
Margins entire or spinose
Superior ovary