Ident 4 Flashcards
Tsuga heterophylla
Soft and flat needles with a glossy green top and two white stomatal bands on the underside.
Opposite in 2 ranks
Pinus sylvestris
Twisted needles in facicles of 2 with a bluish-green hue; bark at the base is thick and scaly, while upper bark has an orange-red colour.
Pseudotsuga menziesii
Soft needles with blunt tips, spirally arranged;
Cones with distinctive trident shaped bracts extending beyond scales.
Picea abies
Stiff, sharp needles on raised pegs (sterigmata) arranged all around the shoot.
Large cylindrical cones hang downwards.
Podocarpus acutifolius
Narrow, pointed leaves with a leathery texture, spirally arranged and have a prominent mid rib.
Blue-black fruit.
Juniperus communis
Sharp, needlelike leaves in whorls of 3, with a blue-green colour and a white stripe across the upper surface.
Cephalotaxus harringtonii
Narrow, pointed, dark green leaves.
Prominent midrib on underside of leaves.
Chamaecyparis lawsoniana “Lobard’s Gold”
Small, scale-like leaves that are tightly pressed to the stem, giving a fan like appearance;
Yellowish hue.
Spherical small cones.
Abies grandis
Alternate, Soft, flat needles with a shiny dark green top and two white bands underneath.
Needles have a grapefruit smell when crushed.
Cedrus atlantica “glauca”
Needles clustered in rosettes, bluish-green in colour.
Buds are small and scaly with barrel shaped cones on older branches.
Chamaecyparis lawsoniana “Ellwoodii”
Dense foliage with bluish-green scale like leaves pressed up to the stem.
Columnar form.
Sequoiadendron giganteum
Fibrous bark with reddish-brown colour;
Needles are awl shaped;
Small cones have a rough leathery texture.
Metasequoia glyptostroboides
Opposite, feathery needles that are soft and shed annually.
Orange brown buds with small, rounded cones.
Larix decidua
Deciduous needles in clusters on short spurs, spirally arranged.
Thin, smooth bark with shallow fissures in young trees.
Thuja placate
Scale-like, fragrant leaves arranged in flattened sprays;
Bark is fibrous and teddies brown with a soft texture.
Thuja placate
Scale-like, fragrant leaves arranged in flattened sprays;
Bark is fibrous and teddies brown with a soft texture.