IDEA Flashcards
What law says: No Child Left Behind
The Americans with Disabilities Act
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
No program or activity receiving federal money can discriminate against any person with a disability is protected by……..
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973,
This act applies to all schools, including private schools, that receive or benefit from federal funds, as well as special eucation programs and services
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
NCLB stands for
No Child Left Behind
ESEA stands for
Elementary and Secondary Education Act
The goal of…………………… is to ensure that every child in America is able to meet its state’s high learning standards.
Each state publishes its own………………… to tell how that state will carry out the IDEA
Special Education Rules and Regulations
FERPA stands for
Family Education Rights & Privacy Act
Under……………records are privat and confidential
IDEA stands for
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
………………Covers public schools only.
Students who are age 3-22, who have a disability.
IDEA says the school must:
Find & identify eligible students;
Involve parents in decision-making;
Evaluate students;
Develop an IEP for each student;
Provide special education & related services;
Provide services in the LRE; and
Provide processes for resolving parent complaints.
FAPE stands for
FreemAppropiate Public Education
FIE stands for
Full Individual Evaluation
AEP stands for
Alternative Education Placement
AT stands for
Assistive Technology
BIP stands for
Behavior Intervention Plan
ESY stands for
Extended School Year
IEP stands for
Individual Education Plan
PPCD stands for
Preeschool Program for Children with Disabilities
LRE stands for
Least Restrictive Environment
MDR stands for
Manifestation Determination Review
FBA stands for
Functional Behavioral Assessment
OCR sktands for
Office of Civil Rights
The most litigated letter in FAPE?
What’s the definition of FAPE?
give the based appropiate education
How is IEP Team Meeting called in Texas?
ARD (Admission Review Dismissal
FIE is supposed to answer two questions, in terms of eligibility, what are they?
Does the student have a disability?
What are the student’s educational needs resulting from the disability?
What are the Eligibility Categories?
Other health impairment Serious emotional disturbance Learning disability Speech impairment Traumatic brain injury Visual impairment Autism Auditory impairment
Mental retardation
Multiple disabilities
Orthopedic impairment
Who makes the IEP Team?
Student and parents Representative of school district At least one sped teacher or provider At least one gened teacher Others who have knowledge or expertise about the student, including related services personnel
The………………. is a written plan, designed just for one student.
……………….It’s an agreement between the school and parents on how the student will be educated.
The IEP must contain
Annual goals in each area of need
Which special education and related services will be provided, as well as when/where they’ll be provided
Academic, developmental, and functional needs of the students
What are the related services for IEP
Orientation and mobility training School nursing Interpreter Transportation Audiological Artistic/Cultural Programs Assistive Technology Speech Therapy OT and PT Psychological Social work Counseling
The………………. must identify positive behavioral interventions and supports to address each behavior.
IEP Team
If the student has behaviors that interfere with learning or are disruptive to others, the…………. must address those behaviors.
The…………………….Determines why and when inappropriate behaviors happen and how best to respond
Functional Behavior Assessment
After the FBA, the IEP Team can develop a …
Behavior Intervention Plan
………………………….identifies supports and services needed to stop the inappropriate behaviors
Should not be just a list of consequences for misbehavior.
administrators are allowed to use …………………… for disciplinary violations.
Individual Discretion
MDR stands for
Manifestation Determination Review
Before disciplinary action causes a change in placement for more than 10 days, the district must do an
…………………… are allowed for offenses involving drugs, weapons, or the infliction of “serious bodily injury to another person.”
Disciplinary removals for up to 45 days
What does Leas Restrictive Environment mean?
The child has the right to be with kids that don have disabilities
If the school and the parent cannot agree, there are several options:
Do nothing. The school implements its plan, even over parental objection.
Withdraw student from public school and enroll in private school.
File complaint with state education agency.
Request mediation.
Request a due process hearing.
Resolution session – within 15 days of a due process complaint, the LEA must have, unless parents waive or consent to mediation.
The Due Process Hearing is presided over by a
IHO (Independent Hearing Officer)
Where do you appeal the desition of the Due Process Hearing?
In the Federal District Court