ID rocks Flashcards
Rock type and Structures
Lithic sandstone and pebbly sandstone with crude parallel stratification, typical of resedimented facies on subaqueous portion of fan-delta
ID rock type, ripples, and structures
Parallel and cross-
laminated quartz sandstone
with climbing ripples (dashed
lines) and isolated ripples;
brown-coloured layers are fine
grained (muddy) material; tur-
bidite succession, flow to right.
Width of view 20cm.
ID rock type, structure, biogenic features
Quartz sandstone,
laminated and cross-laminated
(planar tabular cross-sets), with
vertical burrows increasing in
abundance towards top of
section; shallow marine estuar-
ine succession.
Width of view Llm
ID rock type, structures, erosional planes, other notes
Feldspar-rich sandstone
with some bioclastic debris
(white); parallel lamination with
low-angle scour (reactivation
surface, dashed line) and minor
fault (right); shallow-marine
succession, lower foreshore.
Hammer 25cm.
ID rock, structure.
8 Lithic muddy sandstone
(lithic greywacke) turbidite bed
(arrow), showing erosive base,
normal grading and standard
Bouma sequence of structures
(as marked A-E).
Width of view 60cm.
Ordovician, Southern Uplands,
ID rock
Quartz arenite
ID rock + features
This is a moderately mature arkose, poor sorting.
ID rock
Clast supported conglomerate. Well rounded pebbles indicate that it formed in a very high energy environment (like a coast)
ID rock
Weakly laminated black shale indicating laminations.
ID structure
Dish structures in a thick sand turbidite
ID structures/process
Post-depositional liquification of laminated turbidite sands that result in fluid-like deformation displacing beds and producing flame structures.
ID structures