ID, Haemonc, GUM, Opthal, psych, geris Flashcards
Anal sex, now painful defecation with flecks of blood and tender inguinal lymph nodes
Lymphogranuloma verenum
What previous op have they had if iron and b12 deficiency
partial gastrectomy
Abdominal pain, and neuropsych disorder
Acute intermittent porphyria
IV haem arginate
Meningitis following neurosurgical procedure usually?
S epidermis
Cervicitis with discharge - abx to prescribe
Single dose cef
+ 14 days doxy + metronidazole
NHL given chemo. Now anaemia with low/normal reticulocytes. Normal platelets / wcc
Paravirus infection
[autoimmune haemolytic anaemia would have raised reticulocytes]
Gross haematuria and mass on kidney in CT. Next step?
Urology + radical nephrectomy
Branch retinal vein vs artery on fundocsopy
Vein - flame haemorrhages and engorge vessels
Artery - pail and absent vessels
Female - 6 weeks Hx lower abdo pain, occasionally feverish.
Prev UTIs, normal dipstick =
Type A vs B arotic dissection and rx?
A - ascending aorta
-> urgent surgery
B - doesn’t involve ascending aorta
-> Labetalol first
Evidence of end organ damage in myeloma
C - Ca >2.75
R - renal impairment
A - anaemia <100
B - Bone lesions
Gent renal damage is from damage to
proximal tubule
recurrent breeast Ca, why HyperCa
Production of PTH-Related protein
unwell with diarrhoea, neuro sx, schistocytes, thrombocytopenia and only mild renal impairment =?
Plasma exchange
Fever, anaemia, thrombocytopenia neuro/ renal abnormalities
Any hints of infective endocarditis needs
serial blood cultures
Immunocompromised with fever, cough, red conjunctiva and this spreading morbilliform rash = ? ix?
NPA aspirate as immunocompromised so measles IgM might not be positive
Reversal of Apixaban?
Apixaban - Andexanet alpha
rivaroxiban - andexanet alpha
Dabigatran - Idarucizumab
heparin - protamine
LMWH - protamine
Had whooping cough for several weaks - best Ix?
Fresh water exposure, now headaches fevers and jaundice =? rx?
BenPen / cef
Doxy mechanism
Inhibits 30s subunit of ribosomes
Which abx inhit 50s subunit of ribosomes
Inhibit steroid hormone synthesis drug?
Any presentation of self harm should get
Psychosocial assessment prior to discharge
55M lethargy.
Anaemia, WCC 55, thrombocytopenia
Cytogenetitcs t: 15 :17
Derranged clotting why?
Get DIC -> platelets, FFP, cryo
ATRA - (Vit A)
Most likely primary Ca
Renal - cannonball mets
ewings sarcoma poor prognostic features
Male sex
Raised LDH
Pregnant exposire to VZV rx?
VZV antibody testing
-> VZV Ig if neg
Weight loss, worsening diabetic control, skin rash =?
describe rash? ix?
glucagon levels and CT of pancreas
Rash is necrolytic migratory erythema
HZV on tip of nose makes you worried about?
‘hutchinsons sign’ = likely Opthal HZV
-> opthal opinion + IV aciclovir
Symptoms pyelonephritis with temp 39.4 rx?
Urine culutre fist
then IV Abx
LFTs in cirrhossis to suggest development of HCC
Sudden increase in ALP
neutropenic sepsis Rx?
IV Taz
[gent no longer recommended]
Swelling of lower legs
Itching and crusting
varicose eczema
HIV - excoriated papules and pustules on chest, back and arms =
Eosinophilic folliculitis
Excercise now unable to see out left eye =
left-sided carotid dissection
Ptosis and miosis visible
Small cell lung Ca with ipsilateral node involvement rx
Combination chemo + radio
Visits jungle get a warty lump on arm which heals up. Now maculopapular rash
RUQ discomfort
CEA 2x normal and Ca-19-9 10x normal
Normal AFP
Ca-19-9 =?
Intrahepatic colangiocarcinoma
pancreas, gallbladder, lung, or colon.
Several months of low mood, low energy, difficulty sleeping
Auditory hallucinations saying he is worthless
Who should get a DXA scan
Anyone post menopausal / older men with fragility fracture
Eg Collies, vertebral wedge, or NOF
university with severe pain in eye and Hx of back problems
Describe eye
Anterior uveitis - with oval pupil
Headaches, anaemia, raised IgM
Whats it called when nucleated red cells or myelocytes seen on blood film
leuco-erythroblastic anaemia
Whats it called when nucleated red cells or myelocytes seen on blood film
leuco-erythroblastic anaemia
Whats it called when nucleated red cells or myelocytes seen on blood film
leuco-erythroblastic anaemia
Presents like anorexia + irregular patchy alopecia
firm compressible mass in LUQ =?
[Eating own hair]
Anaemia with splenomegaly
Hereditary spherocytosis
loss of central pallor
On tamoxifen for breast Ca, periods stopped and debilitating hot flushes rx?
eg megestrol, norhisterone….
Renal Ca needs nephrectomy then?
Treatment with a kinase inhibitor
Eg Sunitinib / pazopanib
Asian man with anaemia and low MCV but normal ferritin Ix?
Hb electrophoresis
HIV 1 week headache with focal signs
Given Benpen for syphilis and within 1 minute visual hallucinations and agitation
Procaine reaction
Post partum, foul smelling dischage. Erythema around episiotomy site and abdo tenderness
High vag swab
painless loss of vision ? rx?
Central RAO
Any of
-Acetazolomide + mannual massage
-Anterior chamber paracentesis
Key complication of diphtheria
Clue in question for leigonaiires vs mycoplasma
Leigon - HypoNa, travel
Mycoplasma - erythema multiform, haemolytic anaemia
preceding flu like illness
Low ristocetin co factor (RoCF) level means
Heaches blurred vision, weight loss purpuric rash, lymphadenopathy
Marrow - infiltration with lymphoplasmacytoid cells
HIV - red tender leisions on shins
subacute cavitating pneumonia
Dermatomyositis with HyperCa
SSC of lung
Marrow - increased cellularity with ring sideroblast cells
What do you need post resection of RCC
VGEF or immunotherapy eg sunitinib
Poor prognosis in kids ALL
Which infection mimics appendicitis
Yersinia entercolitica
Haemorrhage on apixaban what can be used if no reversal agent adexenat
Prothrombin complex concentrate
For MGUS what is M protein level? Plasma cells on marrow?
M protein <30g/l
plasma <10%
Atypical lymphocytes with abnormal villous projections
Hairy cell leukaemia
[hair like projections]
few weeks Night sweats weight loss
thickened bowel wall and ++ LDH
burkits lymphoma - get spontaneous tumour lysis as grows rapidly
bacteria infecting a joint prothesis but no real symptoms and not bad at all
p acnes
Gangrene caused by? rx/
C perfringes
benpen + clinda
ovarian ca chemo regime
paclitaxel and carboplatin
2 malignancies commonly with hyperviscosity
CBT for body dysmorphic disorder
exposure and response prevention
Warfarin overdose and bleeding but no prothrombin complex available
Which testi Ca has ++ HCG levels
2 month hx flu like sx and endocarditis
Which abx most impicated C dif
Peutz jehger inheritance? gene?
Hypertensive retinopathy
optic disk oedema, cotton wool spots
haemorrhages, AV nipping
Sickle cell crisis anagesia
IV mophine (rather than fentanyl)
Previous rx with cyclophosphamide years ago now haematuria
Bladder Ca
Shigella 1st line UK
Immunocompromised. Exposed to VZV. IgG positive on test
reassure - only need IVIg if neg
Long term tamoxifen common comp?
Flu A Drug and class
neuraminidase inhibitor
methaemoglobin rx
methyline blue
Low Sa02 with high PaO2
Pancoast tumour with horners - what happens with atropine and pupil
constricted pupil that does not dilate with atropine properly
Loss of vision and vague discomfort over 2 days
central RVO
Sudden onset eye pain fixed dilated pupil
Young person acute agitation needing IM sedation
risk of dystonic reactions with haloperidol in young
Young gal lower abdo pain for 9 days with post coital bleeding.
Neutrophils on cervical smear
T2DM worsening acuity =? rx?
Hard exudates and haemorrhage within 1 optic disc diameter of macula = macular oedema
VGEF inhibitors / focal laser therapy
What speeds up mesothelioma progression
Prev radiation exposure
FHx of splenectomy
recent flu like illness and now epistaxis and platelets 16 = ?
RX? second line?
When add methylpred to co-trimox in Pneumocystis rx?
PO2 <9.3
spo2 <92%
Oxaliplatin chemo key side effet
Peripheral neuropathy
Sudden loss of vision
Branch RVO
HUS new 1st line rx if required
(binds to C5)
Flu with resistance to oseltamivir?
Inhaled zanamivir
t 15:17?
t 8:14?
t 9:22?
t 15:17 - acute promyelocytic leukaemia
t 8:14 - burkits lympoma
t 9:22- philadephia
PCP prophylaxis if no co-trimox? What if g6pd?
Dapsone second line
Inhaled pentamidine if G6PD
Often gets a stuffy nose, No response to Hep / tetanus vaccinations
IgA deficiency
HyperCa key Rx
IV fluids
then bisphosphonates
What type of blood for haemonc
Doesn’t need to be CMV negative
Farmer with cut on leg goes into some drainage ditches and now has hepatitis with ++ bili and thrombocytopenia? rx?
Headaches lethargy back pain. Severe renal impairment, ++ raised viscosity and protein with low albumin
[Dont get bone pain in waldenstrom]
Most common complication of endpcarditis
emboli stroke
Scaring on legs from old sores in childhood
+tremponema agglutination but negative RPR
Which antipsychotic best for psychosis in Parkinsons
[Quiet them down without reactions]
Who gets 5-FU toxicity
Deficiency of DPD enzyme
coxiella dx?
complement fixation
long standing RheumA. Now raised bili, low hapto, low platelets
Haemolytic anaemia
direct antiglobin test
65 headaches rasied Hb, mass in LUQ
Does HepC have PEP?
STE 1, AvL
= High lateral MI
[branch of LAD]
virulence factor for nec fasc
M protein
Optic disc oedem
cotton wool spots
AV nipping
= hypertensive retinopathy
pancytopenia and positive TRAP stain
hairy cell leukaemia
TRAP stain
Sudan black B stain
TDT stain
LAP stain
TRAP stain - hairy cell leukaemia
Sudan black B stain - AML
TDT stain - ALL
LAP stain - Polycythaemia and myelofibrosis
[Trap Hairs, AM sudanise
Which meds Llower b12 absorption
Gonococcal septic arthritis most likely to be seen on aspirate
[gonno only found in 25% of aspirates]
Gram-positive rod causing diarrhoea morning after BBQ
c perfringes
Trifasicular block
Right bundle branch block
Left axis deviation (= left anterior fascicular block)
First degree AV block
Trifasicular block
Right bundle branch block
Left axis deviation (= left anterior fascicular block)
First degree AV block
2 ways an ecg shows bifasicular block
Right bundle branch block (RBBB) with left anterior fascicular block (LAFB), manifested as left axis deviation (LAD)
RBBB and left posterior fascicular block (LPFB), manifested as right axis deviation (RAD) in the absence of other causes
bifascicular block pattern: RBBB combined with LAFB (manifested as LAD)
Bifasicular block
RBBB pattern in precordial leads with RSR’ complex in V1-2
Prominent LAD indicating LAFB
Acquired factor VIII deficiency Rx
Factor VII
[not VIII]
Prolonged Hx of dry cough worst in cold air
Bordetella pertusus
Which antipsychotic particularly related do developing diabetes
[Big O fatty]
14 days post renal Tx
Flu like symptoms and sore throat
Family Breast and melanoma Ca gene
1st thing to rise following MI? most specific?
Myoglobin first to rise
Trop I most specific
Dry age-related macular degeneration
Bitten by tick
Anaemia and jaundice
HPV anogenital warts 1st line? if preg?
Topical podophyllotoxin
Cryotherapy if preg
Bacilus cerrus endocarditis rx
VP shunt with signs of raised pressure initial Ix
Not CT
How to treat TTP if no plasma exchange available
Need to increase ADAMTS13
- Steroids to strop antibody production
- consider rituxumab
Rx cmv if increasing Viral load despite rx with vaniclovir
Diffuse alveolar haemorrhage rx
High dose steroids
+ etanercept