Cardio/resp/renal Flashcards
Sumatriptan cardiac risk?
Vasospasm -> dull chest pain
Cardiovascularly stable with broad complex tachy. Previous episodes of SVT with underlying LBBB
[likely SVT again]
FEV1 cut off for pneumonectomy
Long QT + congenital deafness
Jervell-lange-neilson syndrome
LUL collapse
ABPI to require US and arteriogram
Clicking sound which is synchronous with heartbeat with normal CXR= ? Rx? How could you make Dx?
Small apical pneumothorax
If well - analgesia and follow-up in the clinic
Lateral decubitus CXR
Wheeze, hot flushes worse with alcohol. Haemoptysis
=? rx?
Bronchial carcinoid
Hypertrophied calves, weakness in proximal muscles. Heart failure
Raised CK
Becker muscular dystrophy
[Presents as mild duchenne which would be bad by age 5]
Progressive muscle weakness with increase tone and cardiac conduction defects
Myotonic dystrophy
Poorly controlled heart failure despite optiomal medication
now ECG shows?
Cardiac resynchronisation therapy defibrilator
Dialysis long term now with gut motility issues / carpal tunnel?
Beta2-microglobulin deposition
Flu like symptoms then significant pneumonia = ? rx?
linezolid if allergic
What are the absolute indications for insertion of a chest drain in an effusion after aspiration?
Organisms on gram stain / culture
Frank puss
LDH >1000
pH <7.2
Glucose <3.3
[Organisms or 1, (7.)2, 3.3]
Work with metals and now restrictive Lung fibrosis
Brady cardia with compromise. What would dose of adrenaline be if you had no atropine
2-10mcg IV
AF when anticoagulate? Score points?
≥2 for men or ≥3 for women is “moderate-high” risk and should otherwise be an anticoagulation candidate.
congestive heart failure, hypertension, age ≥75 (doubled), diabetes, stroke (doubled), vascular disease, age 65 to 74 and sex category (female)
Symptomatic AS, what needs to happen before AVR?
Coronary angiography - as may need CABG at time of operation
Previous TB and had an operation - what does this show?
Thoracoplasty - removal of ribs to a collapsed ara of lung
[Upper lobe ectomy would have elevated right hemidiaphragm and displacement of right hilum]
CURB65 points for?
Age > 65
confusion <9 on AMTS
Urea > 7
RR > 30
BP <90 Systolic or <60 diastolic
Pseudomonas pneumonia rx? second line?
Oral quinolone eg cipro OR
IV Tazocin
IV colistin second line
Obstructive LFTs how to differentiate COPD and Asthma
Transfer factor
COPD - likely low
Asthma - normal or raised
COPD mild mod severe FEV1
mod 50-70%
severe 30-49%
very severe <30%
(mild 70-80% with symptoms of cough / sob]
PR3 (C) ANCA - Granulomatosis with polyangitis
MPO (P) ANCA - Churg
Which diabetic drugs worsen heart failure
thiazolidinediones Eg pioglitazone
Aspergilloma rx in healthy? with poor functional status
Bronchial artery embolisation
Intermittent catheterisation with bacteruria but no evidence of sepsis rx?
Increase fluids + catheter change frequency
Nodular rash on shins, fatigue breathlessness =? rx?
CFTR mutation is
‘crazy paving’ pattern on CT
Bronch - PAS positive proteinaceous fluid
Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis
Following needle aspiration of a pneumothorax, when would you put in a chest drain
Still >1cm
Mitral valve prothesis with clot and features of shock
IV alteplase - OR surgery if available
If stable - IV heparin
Who gets a 6-week CXR following CAP
All >50
persistence of symptoms
RTA - reason? K? Conditions? Which can have urinary ph lowered by increasing acid load?
Type 1
Type 2
Type 4
Type 1 distal - Failure of H+ secretion
Autoimmune conditions/amphoB/liver disease
Osteomalacia, renal stones, Nephrocalcinosis
Type 2 proximal - Bicarb wasting
Wilsons / heavy metal / myeloma / amyloid
Uric acid stones, ostomalacia
-Urinary pH lowered with increasing Acid load
Type 4 - reduced aldosterone/resistance
Addisons / long term NSAID
Test for orthostatic hypotension
Tilt table test
Blind but denying they can’t see?
Cortical blindness - eg bilat occipital infarcts
pneumonia with autoimmune haemolytic anaemia
Mycoplasma pneumonia
Left lower lobe collapse
ASD and tricuspid defect in a baby
ebsteins abnormality
M shaped in aVL
Notched R in 1
Monophasic R in v6
Palmar xanthoma =
What do they get
Yellow nail syndrome
Pleural effusions
20s Episodes of collapse
Long QT - Romano ward syndrome most likely
CKD with low Ca and raised PTH first line Rx
GPA which ANCA
PR3 antibodies in
50s wheeze and SOB. CXR peripheral infiltrates
Raised IgG and eosinophils =
Chronic eosinophilic pneumonia
Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergilliosis would have raised IgE not IgG
Silent chest, exhaustion, cyanosis and arrythmia are all life threatn=ening asthma. What are the values also included
PO2 <8
PCO2 4.6-6 (Normal )
spo2 <92%
pef <33%
HTN, HypoK, alkalosis and low renin / aldosterone = ? rx?
CKD then MRI with contrast now thickened skin and reduced joint movements
Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis
ECG which shows decreasing QRS amplitude from v1-v6, RAD, ?
What condition do they often have
Often get bronchietasis
Psuedomonas in sputum rx
Any of:
3rd generation cef - eg ceftazidime
Noonan syndrome
JVP prominent A waves
Soft systolic murmur left sternal edge
pitting oedema
Pulmonary stenosis
[evidence R sided HF]
primary pulm HTN
Rx if positive acute vasoreactivity testing?
Positive CCB eg amlidipine
Negative - PDE5 Inhibitor
Chronic cough and abnormal ECG which syndrome?
Dextrocardia and bronciectasis
Which in RIPE should not be given with chronic liver disease
Preg with Sx of PE but no concern 1st line Ix?
Then either CTPA (more risk to mother)
or VQ scan (more risk to fetus)
Concave = obstructive
PE - Right heart strain
A large S wave in lead I,
Q wave in lead III
inverted T wave in lead III §
Wilsons with increase urinary bicarb loss? Which other syndrome common to cause this type
RTA type 2
fanconi syndrome
Recent thrombolysis for MI
Now shocked BP, raised JVP
ECG - electeral alterans with tachy
= Tamponade
needs cardiocentesis
angina 1st line rx for long term
B blocker
or CCB
Taking cocaine
Absence of p waves and pseudo r wave in v1
Chronic colonised with pseudomonas in CF and now worsening next line?
6 months azithro
Describe sarcoid granuloma
Prominent epitheliod cells with sparse lymphocytic infiltrate at the margins
SVT terminated now this which is?
1st line immunoupressant for systemic sclerosis
Farmer with pulm fibrosis
Extrinsic allergic alveolitis
Nephrotic syndrome in older adult
Infertile, cough, sinusitis,
Kartegener syndrome
look at heart
RBBB and ST elevation in right precordil leads following episode of VF is
Fertility in CF
Men 98% infirtile
women can get preg
Rheumatic heart disease and asthma in new fast AF
IV verapamil
Flash pulmonary oedema and HTN in <50?
<50 Fibromuscular dysplasia
> 50 renl artery stenosis
[Q should give renal function]
Bar splinter haemorhhages and olser / Janeway - other finding of IE
Microscopic haematuria
DVT, cerebral aneurysm, oral ulcers and anterior uveitis
Pain on exercise with passing dark urine after? key ix?
McArdle syndrome
Muscle biposy
[CK too]
SIADH getting fluid restriction. 3 days in level still 125 rx?
sarcoid granulomas stimulate
1-alpha hydroxylase
[leads to increased vit D and calcium absorption ]
Myastenia what Ix is most commonly positive
EMG 95%
Anti Ach 85%
Anti Musk 10%
Symptoms of ectopics bothersome but normal enough heart?
Bisoprolol for symptom control
Bloods in HSV encephalitis
Normal WCC raised CRP
Vaccine followed by pain in shoulder and 1 sided weakness
Brachial neuritis
Jamacain with bihilar lymphadeonpathy on CXR + sx of cardiac failure next iX
CT chest
Sx of heart failure with normal ejection fraction?
Restrictive cardiomyopathy
Nephrotic syndrome treated then couple weeks later mild pyrexia and sudden deterioration in renal function
Renal vein thrombosis
Trauma -> surgical emphysema and pleural effusion with mild raised amylase
Oesophageal rupture
tilt table test -> 4s pause rx
Dual chamber pace maker
hilar mass suspicious of malignancy on CXR ix in order?
Then bronch
1 - oral home
2 - IV
3 - hdu
CKD5 with rapid progressive sclerosis cause?
galoinium exposure (angio)
[b-2-microglobin is slow sx]
Pericarditis stepwise rc
U waves in V2-5 most obvious
[Small deflection following T wave]
benzbromarone for gout issue
Increases urate excretion -> increased urate renal stones
FHx CV disease
Raised LDL/Triglycerides =? rx? 2nd?
Familial combined hyperlipidaemia
Statin 1st line
[eZETIMBE second]
[Fibrates added for hypertriglyceridemia really high or only things raised]
Mesothelioma at L apex
Plaques on diaphragm
Loss of vision then common peroneal palsy
ANCA negative
Livido reticularis
Renal aneurysms
LTOT in COPD in those with PaO2 <8 + what?
Peripheral oedema
Polycythemia (HCT >55%)
or Pulm HTN
[Peri, poly, pulm]
Colonic Ca removal and now endocarditis 1 week later but strep bovis not an option
Bacteroides fragilis
Presents as CF but with low protein and normal albumin
X linked hypogammaglobulinaemia
Right axis deviation (+150 degrees).
Dominant R wave in V1 (> 7 mm tall; R/S ratio > 1)
Dominant S wave in V6 (> 7 mm deep; R/S ratio < 1).
Right ventricular strain pattern with ST depression and T-wave inversion in V1-4.
Asx new diagnosis of mobitz type 1 block rx?
Marfans with 2.5cm PTX stable
High altitude pulm odema rx ? 2nd?
High concentration O2
nifedipine second line
High altitude pulm odema rx ? 2nd?
High concentration O2
nifedipine second line
Key Ix for coarctation
Sickle cell which RTA
Type 1
Few syncopal sensations and QT 0.49s rx
B blocker
Make diagnosis of AIN
IHD LVF COPD in stable fast AF borderline low BP
IV digoxin
MI 2 weeks later pyrexic with raised ESR cardiomegaly and pericardial effusion = ? rx?
Aspirin 650mg QDS
Angina Rx if already on BB and CCB
Ivabradine / nitrate
slow aortic root dilation in marfans
Previous chemoradio now SOB
ECG - small voltage QRS
Decrease of BP on inspiration
Pericardial effusion
When can you diagnose obestety hypoventilation syndrome
BMI >30
PCO2 >6.5 during the DAY
[absence of other causes eg opioids]
[They may have coexistent OSA!]
Alports gets a renal transplant and then few months later rapidly worsening renal function and kidney failed
Anti GBM disease (both collagen IV]
30s weight loss and new murmur with episodes of collapse. Murmur variable on position. clubbing
Calcification on CXR
Atrial myexoma
30s weight loss and new murmur with episodes of collapse. Murmur variable on position. clubbing
Calcification on CXR
Atrial myxoma
Definitive Dx of sarcoid
Transbronchial biopsies
[not endobronchial]
COPD on Salbutamol. Next line if
No reversibility?
None - LAMA + LABA
Some - LABA + ICS
SOBOE with noisy breathing Ix
Flow volume loop - likely upper airway
LVF on ramipril. Worsening sx and evidence of overload on exam next line
Spironolactone [both better heart and diuretic]
FVC for respiratory support in gillian barre
eg 50kg = 1L
LLL collapse
sail sigh - double heart border
Jewish, nephrotic syndrome, severe fevers, arthritis
Familal mediterranian fever