ID Flashcards
What is HIV?
Human Immunodeficiency Virus
- RNA retrovirus that enters and destroys CD4 T helper cells
What is the course of illness if infected by HIV?
1 - seroconversion flu-like illness
2 - asymptomatic period
3 - AIDS defining illness
How is HIV transmitted?
- unprotected anal/vaginal/oral sexual activity
- mother to child (vertical)
- mucous membrane/blood/open wound
Give an example of 4 AIDS defining illnesses
1 Kaposi’s sarcoma
3 cytomegalovirus
4 oesaphageal candidiasis
How do you test for HIV?
1 P24 antibody blood test
2 PCR testing for HIV RNA (viral load)
3 CD4 count
At what CD4 count is a patient considered to have AIDS?
How is HIV treated?
Antiretroviral treatment
Give an example of 2 antiretroviral used to treat/prevent HIV
What is the dosage regime for PrEP?
event based (anal only)
Which organism most commonly causes malaria?
Plasmodium falciparum parasite
In basic terms, what is the life cycle of malaria?
1 - malaria spores injected into blood stream and travel to liver
3 - take 48 hrs to reproduce = every 48hrs RBC ruptures and releases +++ spores into blood
(haemolytic anaemia + 48hrly fever spikes)
When would you get malaria after being bitten?
Incubation period = 1-4 weeks
(although can lie dormant for years!!)
What are 3 typical SIGNS of malaria
- Pallor = anaemia
- Hepatosplenomegaly
- Jaundice = haemolytic anaemia
How do you diagnose malaria?
1 - malaria blood film
(sent on 3 consec days to match life cycle)
How is malaria treated?
What is the causative organism in TB?
mycobacterium tuberculosis
Vomiting and then watery diarrhoea that resolves after 24hrs suggests infection with which organism?
Bacillus Cereus (rice!)
GI upset + raw eggs/poultry =…..
contaminated swimming pool + GI upset = ……
What is the causative organism of travellers diarrhoea?
Campylobacter jejuni
What is the most common causative organism in bacterial tonsillitis?
Group A strep
- e.g. Strep Pyogenes
How is bacterial tonsillitis treated?
Penicillin V (phenoxymethylpenicllin)
How would otitis media present?
Ear pain
- bulging tympanic membrane
- recent URTI
- ear drum may perforate = discharge
How is otitis media managed?
NORMALLY resolves within 3-7 days
- analgesia
5-7 day course AMOXICILLIN if:
- over 4 days Sx
- systemically unwell
- immunocompromise
- <2 and bilateral
- perforation/discharge
How would pyelonephritis differ from UTI ?
- fever
- loin pain
- renal angle tenderness
What are the two most common caustaive organisms of chest infections?
Strep pneumoniae
Haemophilus influenzae
Which organisms are most commonly the cause of chest infections in patients with CF?
- pseudomonas aeruginosa
- staph aureus
How would you treat pneumonia?
CURB65 (1) = amoxicillin
CURB (2-3) = amoxicllin + clarithromycin
Which organism commonly causes bacterial pneumonia post influenza?
Staph aureus
Which organism causes pneumonia in alcoholics?
What is the most common infective cause of pneumonia in COPD?
haemophillus influenza