ICU Flashcards
Ideal Body Weight (IBW):
Female: 100 lb for 1st 5ft + 5lbs ea additional inch
b. Male: 106 lb for 1st 5 ft + 6lbs ea additiona
Static Compliance: (VT/Static pressure – PEEP)
Normal = 60-100
b. <60 = lungs becoming less compliant
c. >25 is acceptable
d. <25 is unacceptable
Desired FiO2
Desired FiO2 = Desired PaO2 + Known FiO2/Known PaO2
Desired Ve
Desired Ve= Known Ve*Known PaCO2/ Desired PaCO2
RAW: PIP–Plateau/ Flow, or PIP–plateau
French size sx catheter =
French size sx catheter = ETT size * 3/2
PAO2: (713 *Fio2 – PaCO2)/0.8or 0.1 if 100% O2
AA gradient
A-a gradient: PAO2 – PaO2
a. Normal on RA = 10-40 or on 100% = 25 – 70
b. Increased 66-300 = acute lung injury
c. >300 = severe shunting, ARDS (unacceptable)
Shunt % =
Shunt % = A-a gradient/20; normal=20% – if >20 an increase in PEEP is indicated
a-Aratio: PaO2-PAO2
a. Normal =
b. 60% =
c. 15% =
a-Aratio: PaO2-PAO2
a. Normal = 80% (74% elderly)
b. 60% = V/Q imbalance
c. 15% = shunting
P/F Ratio: PaO2/FiO2
a. Normal =
b. Acute lung injury =
P/F Ratio: PaO2/FiO2
a. Normal = 300 – 500
b. Acute lung injury = 200 – 300 c. <200 = ARDS
Expected PaO2 = ??
a. Used to determine if pt ??
b. Actual PaO2/ Expected PaO2 = %
Expected PaO2 = FiO2 x5
a. Used to determine if pt oxygenating better
b. Actual PaO2/ Expected PaO2 = % of patient
expected PaO2
PS should be set to= ??or > ??
PS should be set to= RAW or > if therapy indicated.
. e-cylinder time remaining=
e-cylinder time remaining=0.30(PSI) / LPM
- Oral intubation =
- Nasal intubation =
- PEEP therapy =
- Oral intubation = 21-25cm @ lip.
- Nasal intubation = 26-29cm
- PEEP therapy = >6-8 CWP
- Humidity should be set at ??
- Suction:Adult=???,Child=???Infant=??L
- Pt.WOB=.??normal, measures effectiveness of
rise time and sensitivity.
- Humidity should be set at 37 degrees Celcius.
- Suction:Adult=100-120,Child=80-100,Infant=60-80
- Pt.WOB=<0.8=normal, measures effectiveness of
rise time and sensitivity. Measured in spont. mode.