Ict chapter 3 Flashcards
What are the factors that affect the CPU performance?
Clock Speed
How does Clock Speed affect CPU performance?
The clock speed is the way we measure the speed of the CPU the faster the clock speed more information can be executed by the CPU per second.
How do Cores affect CPU performance?
The CPU has cores, without these cores the CPU cannot operate also the more the cores the faster an instruction can be executed for example a 2-core CPU is a lot slower than a 8-core CPU
How does Cache affect CPU performance?
The Cache memory is a temporary type of storage inside the CPU which stores data and instructions if the cache memory gets full, the CPU gets slower thus cannot operate fast while empty, the CPU operates as normal
What is a Digital Camera?
A device that allows us to take a pictures by imputing instructions
What is Keyboard?
A device that is used to give instructions to the computer by imputing information
What is a optical mouse?
A type of input device that is used to perform actions and selections on the computer
What is a QR code scanner?
a type of scanner that checks if a QR code is vital for use
Scanner ( 2D-3D )
it is a device that allows the user to scan documents
Touch Screen
A type of screen that can write either as input and output device
What are the three main differences between SSD and HDD?
SSD stands for “solid state drive”
HDD stands for “hard disk drive”
SSD consist of electrical parts while HDD consist of moving mechanical parts
SSD is expensive
HDD is cheap
SSD is available in compact sizes and is relatively fast while HDD is larger and slower
A computer uses the con Neumann model and the stored program concept
Explain what is meant by the stored program concept?
- Program and instructions are stored in the primary memory
- Data is stored in the memory
- Instructions are fetched and executed one after the other
What is the role of the ALU in the fetch-decode-execute process?
- The role of the ALU is to perform mathematical and logical operations when an instruction is set
- The result of these operations is stored in a register called the accumulator temporarily
What does ALU stand for?
Arithmetic logic unit
What does HDD and SSD stand for?
SSD stands for “solid state drive”
HDD stands for “hard disk drive”