ICND2 Flashcards
What are the four major categories of PPP features?
Compression, Callback, Multilink, and Authentication
IOS Command: Enable PPP
interface config: encapsulation ppp
How is the STP root elected?
Lowest Bridge ID becomes root.
What is the STP Bridge IP?
Configured bridge priority prepended to MAC address.
How does a switch determine its STP root port? Place in order.
1 - lowest path cost to root
2 - lowest neighbor bridge id
3 - lowest port number
List the common STP costs for Ethernet up to TenGigabitEthernet
10Mbps 100
100Mbps 19
1Gbps 4
10Gbps 2
How is the designated bridge determined on each segment?
The same as STP root port:
1 - lowest path cost to root
2 - lowest neighbor bridge id
3 - lowest port number
What does a designated port do in STP?
It connects a non-root segment from the switches perspective.
What type of STP port connects to a designated port?
A non-designated blocking port or a root port.
List STP states in order
forwarding, blocking, disabled
Commands to set bridge priority
spanning-tree vlan vlan-id priority n
spanning-tree vlan vlan-id root primary
Single command to enable portfast and bpduguard
spanning-tree portfast edge bpduguard default
Cisco’s PVST and Rapid PVST require one to set bridge priority in increments of …
What two components are unified when using Cisco Stackwise
Backplane and Administration
When a master switch is chosen what happens to the other switches in a Stackwise configuration.
The other switches reboot and adopt the master’s configuration.
What are the rules for electing a stack master
1) The current stack master remains the stack master
2) The switch with the highest member priority value
3) The switch with the non-default interface-level configuration
4) The switch with the higher hardware/software priority. (cryptography and ip services first)
5) The switch with the longest uptime
6) The switch with the lowest MAC address
What is another name for 802.1x
EAP (Extensible Authentication Protocol)
What standards are used to authenticate EAP.
Radius or TACACs
EAP = 802.1x
How does DHCP stop rogue DHCP servers?
By setting ports connected to valid DHCP servers as “trusted.” Untrusted ports receiving DHCP responses disable themselves.
Which VLAN should not be used as per Cisco best practices?
Etherchannel obtains optimal load balancing over what number of links?
Powers of 2
Why does Cisco recommend against hardcoding etherchannel and not using PAGP or LACP?
Without PAGP or LACP if one side of the etherchannel is misconfigured it could cause a spanning-tree loop.
What are the PAgP commands?
channel-group n mode desirable
channel-group n mode auto
What are the LACP commands?
channel-group n mode active
channel-group n mode passive
Steps for Etherchannel configuration
(first shut down interfaces)
1) Base interfaces must have identical configuration
2) Use the channel-group command to create etherchannel
3) All configuration done on virtual port-channel interface after bundling
4) Summary - ‘show etherchannel summary’
What are the default spanning-tree costs Ethernet through TenGig
Fa - 19
1G - 4
2G - 3
10G - 1
What commands bundles interfaces and creates a virtual port-channel interface
channel-group n mode x
What are the basic config registers
0x2100 - ROMMON
0x2101 - RXBoot
0x2102 - Normal Boot
0x2142 - Ignore NVRAM
What command will show the configuration register?
show version
List four things that can be done from ROMMON
Modify configuration register
Set temporary IP address
Initiate TFTP transfer of Cisco IOS
Initiate x/ymodem upload over the console cable of Cisco IOS
Where are ‘boot system’ commands found?
Global Configuration
Where does an IOS router look for the image to load in order
1) “boot system” commands
2) Look for first IOS image in flash
3) Broadcast for a TFTP server
Set configuration register in ROMMON
confreg 0x2102
Download IOS from TFTP in ROMMON
List steps to obtain and install a license on an IOS 15 device
1 - Purchase license and receive PAK key
2 - Get license file from CLM or www.cisco.com/go/license using UDI
3 - Use the CLI to install the .lic file
How do you find the UDI and what is it a combination of
show license udi
It is a combination of the product id (PID) and SN. (ex: CISCO2911/K9FTX1524PIRE
Command to show licenses
show license all
show license detail
Command to show features enabled on device
show license feature
Install license
license install flash0:licensefile.lic
Backup license
license save flash:filename
Unistall a license
license boot module x x x disable do reload license clear x conf t no license boot module x x x disable do reload
What are the administrative distances of the major routing protocols?
Directly connected: 0 Static: 1 EIGRP Summary 5 EBGP 20 EIGRP 90 IGRP 100 OSPF 110 IS-IS 115 RIP 120 EGP 140 ODR 160 EX EIGRP 170 iBGP 200 NHRP 250 Floating Static (ex. DHCP-learned) 254 Unknown 255
When selecting a route what does the router consider in order
- Next Hop Reachability
- Route Specificity
- Administrative Distance
- Metric
List 3 major distance vector routing protocols
List 2 major link state protocols
List 3 major differences between distance vector and link state routing protocols
- only knows what the neighbor tells it
- memory / processor efficient
- loop prevention mechanisms needed
- maintains a map of the network system
- resource consuming
- maintains loop free by nature
List distance vector loop prevention methods
1) maximum metric
2) route poisoning
3) triggered updates
4) split horizon
5) hold down timers
6) AS_PATH attribute
Why did Cisco create EIGRP when OSPF already existed.
EIGRP is simpler to implement than OSPF
What is the SPF algorithm
Finds the best path to each destination
OSPF area 0 is the _____
What is the primary reason for using multiple areas in OSPF?
to summarize routes
What OSPF router type brings an Internet connection into the system
Does OSPF use TCP or UDP for routing updates?
Trick question: It uses the OSPF protocol number 89
OSPF is hierarchical EIGRP is not
OSPF has a route database with the entire network
EIGRP keeps only successors and feasible successors
OSPF is link state EIGRP is distance vector
How does a Cisco router pick a router-id if one is not configured statically?
Highest active interface IP - loopbacks preferred over others
OSPF default hello and dead timers
10 and 40
List four things that must match in an OSPF hello packet
1) Hello / Dead Timer
2) Subnet Mask
3) Area ID
4) Authentication password
What is the role of the master router?
It is the first to send a DBD packet
What are the default OSPF hello times on NBMA links?
hello 30, dead 120
How does OSPF determine the master router?
higher router-id
Describe OSPF Loading process
Each router examines the DBDs from ExStart. For any entry the router doesn’t know about it sends a link-state request (LSR) and a link-state update (LSU) is returned.
Note LSU is a collection of LSAs. LSACK acknowledges these updates.
List OSPF states when
Init: Hello packet received
Two-way: own router ID found in hello packet
Exstart: Master and slave determned
Exchange: DBD packets exchanged
Loading: LSRs and LSUs for required LSAs.
Full: OSPF routers are now neighbors
Multicast group for OSPF all routers and OSPF DR
- 0.0.5 (all routers)
224. 0.0.6 (all OSPF designated routers)
What does an OSPF priority of 0 mean?
A router with priority 0 will never be elected as DR or BDR. (NBMA spokes, for example, might need this)
What determines the DR/BDR in an OSPF election
Highest priority and in a tie highest RID
What does the BDR do?
It acts maintains a full relationship with all neighbors but does not send LSAs and just waits for the DR to die.
Command to adjust hello timer on OSPF
interface mode:
ip ospf hello-interval n
Command to adjust OSPF metric so it works better with larger links
router mode:
auto-cost reference bandwidth 10000
(10G links = 1)
Command to change ospf cost on an interface
ip ospf cost n
By default what is the slowest speed at OSPF cost 1
100 meg
Configure OSPF to advertise a default route even if there isn’t a default route in the table
default-information originate always
Command to view all routes learned by OSPF
show ip/ipv6 ospf database
Command to view all successors and feasible successors learned by EIGRP
show ip/ipv6 eigrp topology
List main bullets of NIST cloud computing definition
On-demand self-service Broad network access Resource pooling Rapid elasticity Measured service
What is one way to connect between multiple cloud service providers
An intercloud exchange
What is a VNF?
Virtual Network Function - virtual version of network device
What does MEC stand for
Multichassis EtherChannel
Access Switches have Stackwise. Core/Distribution switches have?
Chassis Aggregation
What is a MIB
Management Information Base
What is contained in a MIB
Object Identifiers (OID)
What is a major drawback to an SNMP trap and what does SNMPv3 implement to resolve that?
An snmp trap has no acknowledgement. SNMPv3 introduces the inform message which has an ack.
What are the 3 SNMPv3 security modes
noAuthNoPriv clear-text username authentication
authNoPriv: MD5 or SHA authentication but no encryption
authPriv: MD5 or SHA authentication and encryption