ICM Flashcards
Name 2 good indicators of Acute Bacterial Sinusitis
- unilateral maxillary sinus tenderness
- pain in teeth for 10 days or longer
Why do you palpate high for carotid pulse?
Because if palpate on carotid sinus = faintness/diziness and decrease HR
What would “functional testing” of neuro exam entail?
e.g. standing on toes or rising from chair w/o using arms
Grading strength scale (esp 2 and 3)
Can only grade as 4- or 4+ 0 = paralysis 2 = can move with elimination of gravity 3 = can move against gravity but not against resistance 4 = full ROM against moderate resistance
basically sensory perception of touch, pain, temperature
how to test CN V sensory? CN V motor?
fine touch wisp of cotton for sensory. Bite down masseter contraction for motor
how to test CN VII, upper and lower
upper = raise eyebrows and resist opening lower = frown/smile/puff cheeks
Grading scale for reflexes
2+ is normal (1+ is hypoactive and 3+ is hyperactive without “clonus”)
positive Babinkski reflex indicates what finding? What are some causes for positive Babinski?
positive finding = brain or spinal cord lesion
causes = ALS, stroke, cord injury, brain tumor
What does pronator drift test for?
upper motor neuron disease
What is antalgic gait?
shortened stance phase to avoid pain in hip or leg
What does heel-on-shin test for?
cerebellar function
A 24 yo healthy woman has severe R ear pain and drainage. What do you suspect? What do you examine ear for?
suspect: Otitis externa
Examine for: canal inflammation and drainage
A 3 yo girl has runny nose, coughing, left ear pain and keeps tugging at her ear. What do you suspect? Look for?
Tugging = pressure changes from viral otitis media with effusion
look for exam findings of bacterial acute otitis media
AOM v. OME. 2 best exam findings for AOM?
AOM = acute otitis media = BACTERIAL OME = otitis media = VIRAL syndrome with congestion
2 best signs for AOM = bugling and cloudy (“dullness”) TM
(3) ways to distinguish Actue bacterial sinuisitis from viral upper respiratory syndrome
- unilateral maxillary sinus tenderness
- -pain in maxillary teeth for 10 days or longer
- thick, yellow nasal drainage (not improved with decongestants)
Diagnostic purpose of examining carotid arteries
for patients at risk of stroke
Why is (left) supraclavicular lymphadenopathy worrisome?
could be a sign of tumor (neoplasm or malignancy”
Where are superficial cervical v. deep cervical lymph nodes related to SCM?
superficial nodes = over and in front of SCM
deep cervical = within/behind SCM
reason for patient holding breath while auscultating over carotid arteries
eliminate distracting breath sounds