ICL 17.6: Surgical Care of Transgender Patients Flashcards
what is gender dysphoria?
refers to discomfort or distress that is caused by a discrepancy between a person’s gender identity and that person’s sex assigned at birth (and the associated gender role and/or primary and secondary sex characteristics)
gender dysphoria is not a mental “disorder”.
what is the incidence of gender dysphoria?
not certain
male as high as 3:1000
what is the etiology of gender dysphoria?
- biological
- social earning
- cognitive development
high Incidence of co-morbid psychiatric illness (20-40%)
what are disorders of sexual development?
congenitally ambiguous genitalia; abnormal physical sexual characteristics
DSD formerly known as intersex
but this is distinct from gender dysphoria!
what is biologics or genetic sex?
reproductive anatomy and secondary sex characteristics (male or female)
what is gender identity?
psychological identity along the gender spectrum
ex. masculine, feminine, “agender”
what is sexual orientation?
preferred gender of sexual partners
what is transgender?
identify as, or desire to live and be accepted as, a member of the biological sex opposite to that assigned at birth
transman, transwoman, gender variant, and/or gender incongruent are now preferred terms
use pronouns for target gender
what are teh requisites for sex reassignments surgery?
- consolidation of gender identity; continuing mental stability
- age 18*
- chest surgery (mastectomy, breast augmentation)
need 12 months continuous hormone therapy for breast augmentation and 1 letter of readiness
- genital surgery (vaginoplasty, phalloplasty)
need 12 months successful continuous real life experience, 12 months of hormonal therapy and 2 letter of readiness from mental health professionals
when is departure from the standards of care for TG people justified?
- a patient’s unique anatomic, social, or psychological situation
- an experienced health professional’s evolving method of handling a common situation
- a research protocol
- lack of resources in various parts of the world
- the need for specific harm-reduction strategies
what are the urinary and sexual outcomes of penile inversion vaginoplasty?
1. 4% urethral steosis
- 28% mental stenosis
- 33% misdirected urine stream
1. 95% no regreta
8.7/10 satisfaction with sex life
76% improvement in sex life
78% orgasm with masturbation
what are the urologic complications associated with female to male surgery?
- urethral fistulas*
- urethral stricture*
- metal stenosis
- failure of standing micturition
- neophallus necrosis
- decreased erogenous sensation
- anorgasmia
- prosthesis infection or erosion