Ice & Rain Protection Flashcards
What position does the Cabin Window Heat switch need to be in prior to takeoff?
Cabin Window Heat - depressed
What does a WING HOT message mean?
Wing temp is >180F
Auto activation of the cowl and wing anti-ice system is not functional above what altitude?
If the wing and/or cowl anti-ice system is automatically activated during descent, at what point will it terminate automatically?
When the WoW system shifts to ground mode
How are the TAT probes properly checked prior to flight?
Check for proper aspirated airflow at the aft end of the probe after APU air ON
When must the cowl anti-ice system be turned on?
Temp < +10C and visible moisture
If engine vibration increases while flying in icing conditions, what is the corrective action?
Decrease engine power to idle for 5 sec, then accelerated to above 90% LP RPM
What is the minimum speed for holding in icing conditions?
160 KCAS
When is automatic activation of the cowl and wing anti-ice systems inhibited?
Below 1500’ AGL and above FL350
When should continuous air start ignition be selected ON?
Contaminated runway, heavy rain
When does the anti-ice system turn back off once automatically turned on?
L-R ice detect: 60 sec
Cowl A/I: 3 mins
Wing A/I: 5 mins
What is the power source of the windshield heat?
Left Front / Right Side: L MAIN AC Bus
Right Front / Left Side: R MAIN AC Bus
At what temp does the windshield heat cycle?
Automatically: ON @ 104F, OFF at 114F
What does it mean if the WINDSHIELD HEAT annunciation lights begin blinking at 1 cycle per second for 90 seconds followed by an amber WSHLD FAIL message?
- Over-temp condition
- Both heat sensors have failed
- Over-current or no-current detected with switch selected ON
- Current detected with switch selected OFF
What does it mean if the WINDSHIELD HEAT annunciation lights begin blinking at 3 cycles per second for 90 seconds followed by a blue L/R/F/S WSHLD FAULT message?
- Single windshield sensor failure
2. Windshield heating film exceeds acceptable range of operation