ICE Flashcards
Recall the function of the AIR FOIL TAIL Anti-Ice system:
The tail anti-ice system provides in flight anti-icing of the horizontal
stabilizer leading edge.
With the TAIL AIR FOIL switch ON, engine bleed air flows through
ducts to the horizontal stabilizer leading edge to anti-ice the tail.
Explain the function of the WING Anti-Ice system AND indications of a
successful Wing Ice Detection system test:
Provides for inflight anti-icing of the leading edge slats
RESET - Resets system and removes WING ICE DETECTED alert
from the EAD. The system will not reset if ice remains on the sensors.
TEST - Tests the wing ice detection system. Following a successful
test, all wing ice detection alerts are displayed.
Note: On the ground, when ice is detected on either or both upper wing
surfaces, the alert WING ICE DETECTED is displayed. System is inhibited
during takeoff, landing and inflight.
Recall the function of the AIR DATA HEAT switch:
AIR DATA HEAT Pushbutton - amber
OFF - Illuminates when all air data system heaters are off.
Dark when all heater circuits for pitots, rudder limiter, stall probes, static
ports, and RAT probes are energized.
Note: On the ground, heat to RAT probe is inhibited.
Recall the operation of the ENG L/R Anti-Ice Switches:
The engine anti-ice systems provide ground and inflight anti-ice heat to
their respective engine nose cowl. The engine anti-ice systems are
independent of the airfoil anti-ice system.
ENG L/R Anti-Ice Switches
o OFF - Turns off respective engine anti-ice heat.
o ON - Turns on respective engine anti-ice heat.
Explain the relationship between the pneumatic Isolation Valve and the
use of wing and/or tail anti-ice:
In flight, when only one sub-system is supplying bleed air, the isolation
valve automatically opens to supply bleed air for airfoil ice protection.
For normal operation the pneumatic Isolation Valve does not need to be
open in order to provide wing and/or tail anti-ice.
Recall which windshields/windows are electrically anti-iced and which
are anti-fogged:
The three pilot windshields are electrically anti-iced and anti-fogged.
The clearview and overhead windows are anti-fogged.
The WINDSHLD ANTI-ICE and ANTI-FOG switches separately control
the systems.
o OFF - Turns off windshield, clearview, and overhead
window anti-fog.
o ON - Turns on windshield, clearview, and overhead
window anti-fog.
o OFF - Turns off windshield anti-ice.
o ON - Turns on windshield anti-ice.
Recall the function of the Pneumatic Overheat Detection System (PODS)
A pneumatic overheat detection system (PODS) detects overheat
conditions in the tail compartment and along the wing and tail ice protection
System components include dual loop sensors in the tail compartment and
single loop sensors along the anti-ice manifolds
PODs controller is located in the E/E compartment
If a failure is detected in the anti-ice manifolds, PODS automatically closes
respective anti-ice valve and displays the respective WING ANTI-ICE
If PODS fails to shutoff affectyed manifold, the respective WING MANF
FAIL/TAIL MANF FAIL alert displays.
PODS is automatically tested when the engine fire protection system is
Describe the conditions that require the use of engine anti-ice while on
the ground / in-flight:
Ground: Engine anti-ice systems must be on after start when the
SP 16.1 13
ambient temperature is 6°C (42°F) or below and any of the following
conditions exist.
- Visible moisture is present. Visible moisture may be fog, rain or
snow. Fog is considered visible moisture when it limits visibility to
one mile or less.
- A 3° or less temperature/dewpoint spread exists.
- Runways and taxiways are wet.
Flight: Engine anti-ice is required when TAT/RAT is 10°C or below with
visible moisture. Engine Anti-ice should be used prior to entering icing conditions.