ICC TABs Flashcards
Tabular Display index
What is the difference between BATI and TACI?
BATI - is Battalion Initialization
TACI - is Tactical Initialization for the batteries
Command plan in the ICC is tailored to what?
TAB 56
What are the 2 threat assessment categories
- Target evaluation
2. Engagement control
What are the 2 methods of friendly product
Inhabiting engagement
Terminating engagement in process
Track block numbers are associated with what TAB in the ICC
TAB 67
True or false
The operator should NOT databases transfer to any FP after a command planning change until the ICC TSD is updated and
The STORAGE MEDIUM BUSY auxiliary disappears
Your planned deployment net load should not exceed ____ and your current used level can be viewed in what TAB?
Viewed in TAB 2 current
And TAB 68 planned
With a virtual target when would a missile acquire it
1/3 of the flight path
ICC can maintain up to how many fire units track numbers on a common track?
What are the TDA console modes?
Engagement control
Equipment control
Defend areas
Track numbers / source
Weapons control areas
All FP
What are the TD console modes?
Friendly protect
Identification areas
Defend areas
Track numbers
All FP
What TAB can be used to change subordinate units method of control, weapons control statuses and areas enable?
Sys + WPN Control TAB
What does PPLI stand for?
How many wedges are allotted per battery?
12 wedges
No more than 4 per elevation bands
Where can you see “Hot” ASOJ missiles?
Missile inventory TAB
What is TAB 62?
deployment + Commo Assignment
Data Link Reference Point (DLRP) and BN System coordination center (BNSCC) can not be more than ____ apart?
17 degrees
In what TAB would you find mode 1 and 3 correlation?
What TAB is target Display Control?
TAB 14
How many extra BNs units per ICC can you have?
What is TAB 64?
Launcher Allocation
What is L.T.D.A.?
What is TAB 40?
Special intelligence data
What is TAB 10?
Local engagement control Parameters
Track Data Indicator comes on and track Data appears for all tracks what happens if no altitude band is selected?
Tracks at all altitudes in BN coverage will be Displayed.
The BNSCC and the DLRP must be within ____ or ____ of each other?
Where are their locations inputted and how?
17 degrees or 1000 square miles
TAB 58
DLRP - Lat / Long
What is Commo net status (S/I)
Presents status information of BN Commo nets
Which TAB can you activate ABT assets?
What TAB is selected to recover an existing database?
When is recovery used?
TAB 13
Training, after a move
As part of short term Initialization
What is the ICC status (S/I)
Shows status for all ICC equipment
Expanded Ethernet connectivity
What ICC TAB does an operator update the database?
TAB 13
Under command plan, what is entry 2 in TAB 50?
Retrieve and compare
What is TAB 70?
Defended assets
36 ABT. ASM/TBM 1-18
18 TBM. ABT 19-54
12 ITDA. LTDA 55-66
46 THAAD. 67-112
How many wedges can be sent to the ICC from FU?
12 wedges
What is TAB 14?
Target Display Control
PG metric / English
What are the planning modes found in TAB 51?
New plan
Change plan
Review plan
Track management performs what?
Track correlation
Site calibration
Saturation alleviation
Under command plan what is entry 3 in TAB 50?
Deployment / command plan
Provides the capability as assigned and plotting BN resources on the situation Display
Asset status / Control
* volumes
O=out of coverage
TBM / ASM 1-2, ABT 3-6, LTDA 7, THAAD 8-13
Mode 1 and 3 correlation
Local engagement control Parameters
Engagement Range Bias
TAB 10
FP Location / Boundaries - BN
Actual ICC Location
TAB 12
ICC Mode and database selection
Start Initialization
Choose database
Update database
TAB 13
Target Display Control
English and metric
Lat / Long
TAB 14
Pg 1
Target Display Control
Boundaries of altitude bands
Medium speed category limits
Track numbers (NATO) (TADIL. A/B) (TADIL J)
TAB 14
Page 2
Target Display Control
Hard copy print out Control
TBM Launcher Point determinations
TAB 14
Page 3
Operator correlation + track number change
Correlate jammers
TAB 15
Special point Display
TAB 16
TBM threat set control
Is also function 11
TAB 44
Deployment / command planning control
New plan
Change plan
Review plan
TAB 51
Radar frequency status
TAB 54
Alternate Search Sector Control
Each FP has 2 pages
TAB 55
Page A
Tailored TBM search data
Threat Launch Area
Works with TAB 44
Looks for threats
TAB 56
What is TAB is 18
TADL coronation Parameters
The ICC can have up to ____ ABT defended assets?
What 4 TAB’s in the ICC constitute the COMMO database?
TAB 67
TAB 68
TAB 69
I’m the ICC the TMAT is set in what TAB and page?
TAB 78
Page 6
What is ICC TAB 72?
General purpose maps
What is ICC TAB 76?
Counter ARM measures
What is ICC TAB 79?
Identification Parameters
What is ICC TAB 63?
Launcher group Assignment
What is ICC TAB 54?
RS frequency control for a FP
What is ICC TAB 51?
Deployment /
Command planning control
What is ICC TAB 70?
Assets /
Defended areas data
What pages of TAB 70 are for LTDA?
Pages 55-56
What is ICC TAB 44?
TBM threat set control
What is ICC TAB 61?
Volumes Allocation
In which TAB can you preform a
retrieve and compare?
TAB 50
On what TAB and page can you find refraction Parameters?
Page 4
Who assigns all engagements from the TBEQ?
How many TBM assets can the ICC Control?
Up to 18
Which crew member in the ICC is responsible for identification of all targets?
What TAB would you use for correlation when two FP each see a strobe/jammer that is not Range resolves?
TAB 15
What is ICC TAB 50?
Initialization Control
In which TAB can you plan all the FP UTM and PTL’s?
TAB 59
ECM wedges are used for what?
To determine the approximate range of a formation of Non-Range-resolved jammers
In the ICC where are the Authorization found?
Pages 2 and 3
In order to change a subordinate units method of control, where would you go?
System +
Weapon control
In which ICC TAB would you find Altitude bands?
TAB 14
Page 2
In the ICC, the TMAT would be found in what page and TAB
TAB 78
Page 6
In which TAB is the total communication net load checked in?
What TAB is used to find out what W-Code and frequency each units RS is running?
FP Status
What is PPLI?
Where do you go to send an Alert State from the ICC to a FP?
In the ICC where do you find your URLAT?
Page 4
Which TAB can the ICC operator use to find out how many hostile tracks Bravo Battery is tracking?
Battalion Tracking Summary S/I
In which TAB can you assign volumes to certain FP?
TAB 61
In which TAB are THAAD and LTDA assets input?
TAB 70
What is the TD’s most important duty?
Identifying all tracks
What is ICC TAB 15?
Operator correlation track numbers change
How many BMOA’s can be tailored in TAB 56
What is ICC TAB 14?
Target Display Control
What TAB is used for operator correlation?
TAB 15
The clear database by category field can be found in what TAB
TAB 50
What TAB can be used to select the mode of Initialization?
TAB 50
What ICC TAB do you use to reallocate an LS?
TAB 64
The DLRP must be within ____ of the BNSCC.
17 degrees
In which TAB can you tell the ICC to Display TADIL - J Track Numbers?
TAB 14
What does BRAA stand for?
What is ICC TAB 58?
BN Geographic Control Parameters
What is ICC TAB 6?
What is ICC TAB 2?
BN communications configuration control
ICC TAB 71 has ____ Units and ____ Points maximum.
150 units
800 points
What is ICC TAB 1?
FIDOC operational Parameters
If you have multiple ICC in your net, one of them has to be configured as the master, also known as the?
What is ICC TAB 62?
Communication assignment
How many THAAD assets can be inputted into TAB 70?
What TAB appears when an operator presses the command plan S/I
TAB 51
How do you see site amplifying data?
Select TAB, hook a FP, select TAB
Where would a TDA go to find out how many hot missiles they have?
Missile inventory
BN Status
What TAB can be used to display E2IC (TCS) IP address?
TAB 62
Page 3
How many levels of saturation alleviation are there?
In which ICC TAB do you check the Commo net status?
Commo fault Data
What is a bulls-eye?
A common reference point
In which TAB do you conclude BATI?
TAB 98
In which ICC TAB can you preform a retrieve and compare?
TAB 50
To tell how many launchers are in operate at a FP, where would you look?
FP Status
Missile inventory
What S/I reports the connected units MOC, WCS and AE in the appropriate field?
System +
Weapons control
What TAB can you view the range from your FP to your cursor?
What TAB displays the range from cursor to an established reference points?
TAB 14
What is ICC TAB 13
ICC mode and database selection
In which TAB can the ICC operator find the track number for a specific FP?
Track amplifying data
Page 1
What is ICC TAB 18?
TADIL Correlation Parameters
Who is responsible for preforming all functions associated with engaging targets inside the ICC?
In what TAB can you authorize the TCS?
TAB 67
What are the 5 major task conducted in the ICC?
Command plan
Update ICC
Equipment control
Engagement control
Friendly protect
The strobe correlation process performance by the ICC is also known as?
What is ICC TAB 69?
Extra BN Commo Control +
Track filter
What is ICC tab 68?
Commo Control
HAWK FP track filter
What is ICC TAB 67?
Battalion communication center data entry
What is ICC TAB 64?
LS Group Control
Allocation plan
The ECM wedges S/I can have a maximum of ____ wedges, but not more than ____ per elevation band?
12 wedges
4 elevation bands
In what TAB would you look to find the ICC’s location?
TAB 12
The ICC can have up to ____ TBM defended assets?
Self defense criteria for the ICC can be turned on in what TAB and page?
Page 5
Where could you find the ranger Bias for a FP?
TAB 10
In what TAB can you check to see if the FU’s remembered to turn in areas enable?
System +
Weapons control
In which S/I selectable ICC TAB can you check the FU WCS?
System +
Weapons control
In which TAB can you plan ICC Location and antenna Azimuth?
TAB 62
From what TAB is automatic launch point discrimination controlled?
TAB 14
Where can you set the operator override time?
TAB 10
In which TAB is the HEU ID code and UTM Location entered?
TAB 69
In which TAB is the FP type (patriot, HAWK, THAAD) entered?
TAB 68
What console made S/I will the TDA have active?
Equipment control
Engagement control
What are the two ICC modes you can select in TAB 13?
What TAB is used to override call conflicts in the ICC?
Track amplifying data
Page 2
What are the 3 planning modes in command plan TAB 51?
New / reallocation plan
Change plan
Review plan
Where would I enter the area of interest?
TAB 69
Page C
Which ICC TAB is the UTM would model entered into?
TAB 58
How many track numbers can the ICC store on a common track?
From which TAB can the ICC send MAW and CBR warning to the FU?
What are the saturation alleviation levels?
What is ICC TAB 90?
Data collection control
What is ICC TAB 71?
In which ICC TAB is HAWK FIDOC input?
TAB 78
Page 4