IC6: Antithrombotics in AMI and AIS Flashcards
What does FAST stand for
- Face drooping: is the person’s smile uneven
- Arm weakness: can the person raise both arms and keep them up
- Speech difficulty: does the person’s speech sound slurred or unclear
- Time to call 995: the clot can be thrombolysed within 3-4.5h
What should be done for AIS patients who can be started on rtPA?
start r-TPA asap and start SAPT (aspirin) after 24h and within 48h and then evaluate the stroke mechanism
What should be done for AIS patients who cannot be started on rtPA?
if minor stroke risk start DAPT for 21d asap;
if not minor stroke risk, start SAPT asap
What should be done if the stroke is cardioembolic in nature?
stop the antiplatelet and look for underlying cardio sources (eg. in underlying AF, start OAC like apixaban or rivaroxaban)
What should be done if the stroke is non-cardioembolic in nature?
assess if the patient has severe major ICAS (intracranial arterial stenosis)
- If there is no severe major ICAS, proceed with lifelong SAPT
- If there is severe major ICAS, proceed with lifelong SAPT and consider adding clopidogrel for 90 days
How is aspirin dosed?
300mg Loading dose
100mg OM lifelong
How is clopidogrel dosed?
300/600mg Loading dose
75mg OM
How is ticagrelor dosed?
180mg Loading dose
90mg BD up to 12m
60mg BD extended therapy
What are the remarkable side effects of ticagrelor?
paroxysmal dyspnea and bradycardia (due to adenosine effects)
When should clopidogrel and ticagrelor be used?
Clopidogrel for stroke
Ticagrelor for MI and ACS
Compare time to platelet aggregation between ticagrelor and clopidogrel
ticagrelor has a faster time to platelet aggregation (and therefore faster recovery from platelet activity)
What is the PRECISE-DAPT score used for?
Assess bleeding risk for patients with drug-eluting stents to consider when to discontinue anticoagulants
PRECISE-DAPT score > 25 = high bleeding risk
What are the concerns when using DES?
Usually give immunosuppressants together, which are non-selective and therefore affect healing throughout the body (risk for falls and cuts that cannot heal properly, hence must consider antiplatelet duration)
Cover for at least 12m, or 3-6m if patient at high bleeding risk
What are the major risk factors for PRECISE-DAPT? (7)
- Anticipated risk of long-term OAC
- Severe or end-stage CKD
- Hb < 11 g/dL
- Spontaneous bleeding
- Thrombocytopenia
- Liver cirrhosis
- Active malignancy and recent major surgery or trauma within 30 days before PCI
What are the CV risk factors related to AMI and AIS? (7)
- Cholesterol → assess ASCVD risk, personalise with risk enhancers and reclassify wth CAC as needed
- High BP → maintain BP below 130/80 mmHg
- Physical activity → perform at least ≥ 150min a week of moderate activity or ≥ 75 min a week of vigorous physical activity
- Aspirin use → low-dose aspirin for primary prevention is now reserved for select high-risk patients
- T2DM → control through diet and exercie
- Diet → emphasis on intake of vegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes, fish and wholw grains
- Tobacco → pharmacotherapy and behavioural recommendations to maximise quit rates