IC4 AED Flashcards
A seizure is a _____ event due to _____
- paroxysmal
- abnormal, hypersynchronous discharge from a mass of CNS neurons
Why are seizures considered to have diverse manifestations?
Ranges from convulsion (observable) to an experience (subjective)
What are the 2 criteria where seizures are NOT considered epilepsy?
- Single seizure
- Due to a correctable/avoidable circumstance (provoked)
1. Alcohol
2. Hypoglycemia
3. Pyrexia
4. Sleep deprivation
Epilepsy is a _____-term disease characterised by ______. It (can/cannot) be treated
- Long
- Repeated seizures
- Is treatable (When properly managed, 70-80% can lead normal lives)
What predisposes someone to be at a higher or lower risk of experiencing recurrent seizures? State 3 each
Higher risk
1. Previous (undiagnosed) seizure
2. Epileptiform EEG
3. Abnormal brain scan (tumours can cause epilepsy)
Lower risk
1. Single seizure
2. Normal EEG
3. Normal brain scan
Describe the pathophysiology of Epilepsy
- Neuronal depolarization depends on membrane potential
- An unbalanced function in excitatory and inhibitory receptor or ion channel → dysregulated discharge
- When there is excessive synchronous depolarization, usually starting from defined regions (“foci”) and spreading to other regions → seizure
The most common excitatory neurotransmitter is ______ while the most common inhibitory neurotransmitter is ______?
Excitatory: Glutamate
Inhibitory: GABA
(FYI) What are the main types of Epilepsy? State whether consciousness is impaired for each
consciousness impaired
Tonic clonic
Simple (consciousness not impaired)
Complex (consciousness impaired)
Status Epilepticus
How can the diagnosis of different seizure types be performed?
via EEG (Electroencephalogram)
What are the main MOA of Antiepileptics?
↓ Membrane excitability by altering Na+ & Ca2+ conductance during action potentials
(Excitability depends on Na+ & to a lesser extent, Ca2+ conductance) -
Enhance effects of inhibitory GABA neurotransmitters
(allow Cl- influx so membrane potential stays negative → will not depolarize)
But not all compounds are effective against all types of seizures
State the 3 first-line drugs for newly diagnosed partial & generalized tonic clonic seizures
Sodium valproate
List all AEDs
- Phenytoin
- Carbamazepine
- Sodium valproate
- Diazepam
- Phenobarbital
- Levetiracetam
- Lamotrigine
- Topiramate
What is Phenytoin’s MOA & indication?
block voltage-dependent Na+ channels to prevent Na+ influx → ↓ability to generate AP → ↓excitability
🥓 ALL seizure types EXCEPT ABSENCE
(same as Carbamazepine)
What are 2 things you should be careful of when initiating a patient on Phenytoin?
- Relatively narrow therapeutic range (plasma concentration 40-100 μM) + unpredictable saturation kinetics & consequent non-linear relationship between dose & plasma concentration = need titration & monitoring 🩺
- Teratogenic (caution in females of child-bearing age) 🍼👶🏻
What is Carbamazepine’s MOA & indication?
block voltage-dependent Na+ channels to prevent Na+ influx → ↓ability to generate AP → ↓excitability
🥓 ALL seizure types EXCEPT ABSENCE
(same as Phenytoin)
How is Carbamazepine’s half-life affected with repeated doses?
- Is a CYP450 inducer
- so T1/2 shortens with repeated doses
- Resultantly, it also accelerates elimination of other drugs
- Hence, need to ↑ doses slightly to account for higher hepatic enzyme activity
🥓 What is a significant consideration for Carbamazepine in terms of side effects?
- Pharmacogenomics effects in causing Stevens-Johnson Syndrome / Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis
- 10x higher risk in Asians than Caucasians
- So should perform genetic screening prior to Carbamazepine initiation
What is Valproate’s MOA?
- Blocks voltage-dependent Na+ & Ca2+ channels
- Also inhibits GABA transaminase (enzyme that breaks down GABA) → ↑ GABA → ↑ inhibitory tone of neuron
What is Valproate’s indication?
ALL types of seizures, including absence seizures
How does Valproate affect other Antiepileptics?
- Strongly bound to plasma proteins & displaces other Antiepileptics (e.g. if use combination therapy)
- Results in more free Antiepileptics
- Since apparent level of free drug will be higher, need to dose adjust
What are the general dose-related side effects of Antiepileptics?
- Drowsiness, confusion, nausea
- Nystagmus (repetitive uncontrolled movement of eye)
- Ataxia (movement disorder)
- Slurred speech, unusual behaviour, mental changes, coma
Higher dose = more likely
What are the general non-dose related side effects of Antiepileptics?
- Hirsutism, acne
- Gingival hyperplasia
- Folate deficiency
- Osteomalacia (soft bones)
- Hypersensitivity reactions (including Stevens-Johnson syndrome)
🥓 Even a small dose can cause this
What is the MOA of Benzodiazepines?
- Binding of GABA to GABA(A) receptors causes Cl- channel to open → cell hyperpolarizes
- Benzodiazepines binds on a regulatory site of GABA receptors to enhance GABA binding → ↑ their inhibitory effects
- This potentiates Cl- influx, leading to hyperpolarization → neurons do not fire
State the DOA of short, intermediate & long-acting Benzodiazepines
3 to 8h
10 to 20h
1 to 3 days