IC17 Contraceptives Flashcards
barrier methods
- male condom
- female condom
- diaphragm with spermicides
- cervical cap
barrier methods: male condom
c/i, adv & disadv
- Allergy to latex/ rubber
- STI protection
- High user failure rate
Poor acceptance
Possibility of breakage
barrier methods: female condom
c/i, adv & disadv
- Allergy to polyurethane
Hx of toxic shock syndrome (HSS) if not removed for long time - Can be inserted ahead of time
STI protection if used correctly - Very high user failure rate
Dislike of ring hanging outside vagina
barrier methods: diaphragm with spermicide & cervivcal cap
c/i, adv & disadv
- Allergy to latex, rubber or spermicide
Recurrent UTIs
Spermicide causes disturbance in bacteria within region
Hx of TSS
Abnormal gynaecological anatomy - Low cost
reusable - High user failure rate
Low protection against STIs
Increased risk of UTI
Cervical irritation
COC: role of hormones
progestin & estrogen
* Thicken cervical mucus
prevent sperm penetration
slows tubal motility → delay sperm transport
Induce endometrial atrophy → even IF egg is fertilised, cannot be implanted
* Blocks LH surge + (oestrogen) suppresses FSH release ⇒ prevents ovulation
LH → stimulates ovulation; blocking of LH = no egg produced
FSH → stimulates follicle production; blocking = no egg
Stabilises endometrial lining & provide cycle control
COC: SE of progestin
acne, oily skin, hirsutism (growth of hair)
COC: possible benefit of progestin
Late cycle breakthrough bleeding → to prevent bleeding at end of cycle
Painful menstrual cramps
COC: types of progestin
drosperinone & cyproterone
COC: types of progestin
effect, benefits, SE
Analogue of spironolactone
may have diuretic effects; to monitor K+ & fluid status
Lesser water retention
Anti-mineralocorticoid + some anti-androgenic action
Lesser acne; ideal for patients with acne/ oily skin
SE: hyperkalemia, thromboembolism & bone loss
COC: types of progestin
indication, effects, SE
treatment of excessive-androgen related conditions (severe acne, hirsutism)
Have anti-androgenic, antigonadotropic effects
SE: high risk of thromboembolism
COC: estrogen
types & doses
Types: Ethinyl estradiol (EE), estradiol valerate, esterol, mestranol
High: ≥50 μg
moderate/ standard: 30-35 μg
Low: 15-20 μg
COC: estrogen
problem of high doses
associated with vascular, embolic events, cancer & significant AE
COC: estrogen (factors favouring lower dose)
- Adolescence
- Underweight (<50 kg)
- Age > 35 years ⇒ higher risk of SE
- Peri-menopausal
COC: estrogen (factors favouring higher dose)
obesity/ weight > 70.5kg
* More production of oestrogen; higher dose required to stimulate -ve feedback loop
* EE highly protein bound & enters fatty tissues → will lower plasma conc of oestrogen
Early to mid-cycle breakthrough bleeding/ spotting
Due to cycle not being fully suppressed
Tendency of non-adherence
Can counteract by increasing dose
COC: Types of COC
- monophasic
- multiphasic
- conventional
- extended-cycle
COC: Types of COC
hormones in pills
Same amounts of oestrogen & progestin in every pill
Less confusing, less missed-doses instructions
COC: Types of COC
hormones in pills
- Variable amounts of oestrogen & progestin; mimics body cycle
more oestrogen in early cycle, more progestin in late cycle - Tend to have lower progestin overall ⇒ reduced SE
COC: Types of COC
hormones in pills, benefits for new type
21 active pills + 7 days placebo = 28 days
(newer) 24 days active pills + 4 days placebo = 28 days
* 3 additional active pill shortens pill-free interval → reduce hormone fluctuations between cycles
* Overall lesser SE (withdrawal effects; headache & mood swings)
COC: Types of COC
extended cycle
hormones in pills, purpose of placebo
84 days active pills + 7 days placebo = 91 days
* Ensures no period for 84 days
* Placebo → to regulate hormones & ensure patient can still produce own hormones
COC: Initiation methods (3)
when to start, need for backup contraceptives
First day method
* Start on first day of menstrual cycle
* No backup contraceptive required if pill taken on first day of cycle
Due to ovulation not occurring yet ⇒ new follicle not stimulated
Sunday start method
* Start on first sunday after menstrual cycle begins
* Require backup contraceptive for at least 7 days
* May provide weekends free of menstrual periods
Quick start
Require backup contraceptive for at least 7 days + until next menstrual cycle begins
COC: Initiation methods
purpose of backup contraceptives
Due to uncertainty of where the patient is at in the menstrual cycle → might have ovulation already hence still need barrier contraceptive to prevent fertilisation
COC: additional benefits
- Improvement in menstrual regularity
Know when bleeding will occur + how much blood will be lost - Better for Acne
- Premenstrual dysphoric disorder
- Iron-deficiency anaemia
Some pills contain iron
Good for patients with heavy flow → risk of anemia - Help with management of polycystic ovary syndrome
- Reduced risk from:
ovarian & endometrial cancers → but might increase risk of breast cancer
ovarian cysts, ectopic pregnancy, pelvic inflammatory diseases, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, benign breast disease
COC: risks of taking
- breast cancer
- venous thromboembolism
- MI/ Stroke
COC: risks of taking
breast cancer
individuals with higher risks, who should avoid
- In those currently using/ previously used COC
- Increases risks with duration of use & age >40
- Healthy & young: benefits of pregnancy prevention > risks of cancer
- After discontinuation, risks return to same levels as those who never use COC
Patients with following conditions to avoid:
* Age > 40 years old
* Family history/ risk factors of breast cancer
Oestrogen → stimulator of breast cancer; receptor is present throughout body in individuals with breast cancer risks (& breast cancer patients)
* current/ recent history of breast cancer
COC: risks of taking
causes (E & P), RF, considerations of those with high risk
Estrogens increase hepatic production of factor VII, factor X & fibrinogen of coagulation cascade
* Distributed to all parts of body
* Increase in clotting factors ⇒ more likely for clot formation
New generation progestins (ie: Drosperinone, Cyproterone & Desogestrel) → unknown MOA, possibly increase protein C resistance
* Have antithrombotic activity; resistance ⇒ more thrombotic activity
COC: risks of taking
RF, considerations of those with high risk
Risk factors
>35 year old, obesity, smoking, immobilisation, cancer, hereditary thrombophilia
Considerations for individuals with clotting risk factors:
* Low dose oestrogen with older progestin
Ideally to avoid oestrogen in totality
* Progestin-only contraceptive
* Barrier methods ⇒ general choice, especially if have initial clot & elevated levels of clotting factors