IC16 PK of male endocrine drugs Flashcards
tamsulosin drug type
Reversible α-1 receptor antagonist
tamsulosin MOA
- Reduces vasoconstriction induced by endogenous catecholamines
- Blocking of α-adrenoreceptors on smooth muscle of prostate, prostatic urethra & bladder neck → Relaxation of SM → increases max urinary flow rate ⇒ relieving obstruction
- Improves symptoms related to bladder instability & tension of SM of lower urinary tract
tamsulosin MOA
Greater for α1A; better blockade for α1A (prostate & BV) than α1B (BV & heart) receptors
* Hence lesser effect of tamsulosin on BP & better for BPH
tamsulosin effects
benefits; time for improvement
- Effects on urinary stage & voiding symptoms maintained during long term therapy
Can hold & pass urine better ⇒ reduces pain - Delays need for surgery/ catheterisation
- Improvement in urinary flow rate after a few hours/ days after administration
tamsulosin PK
Well absorbed orally (take 0.4 mg OD)
tamsulosin PK
Highly bound to plasma protein (> 90%)
Not readily distributed to tissues ⇒ Small Vd (0.2L/ kg)
tamsulosin PK
enzymes involved, t1/2
- By CYPs (ie: CYP3A4, CYP2D6)
Take note: do not take drug with grapefruit juice → affects liver enzymes - t1/2 ~ 20-25 hour ⇒ hence OD dosing
tamsulosin PK
~10% excreted unchanged in urine
* Requires dose adjustment for renal impairment
Metabolites more soluble in urine (~90%)
tamsulosin AE
Abnormal ejaculation
Back pain
tamsulosin c/i
Concurrent use of another α1 adrenoceptor antagonist (CVS patients)
finasteride drug type
5α-reductase inhibitor
finasteride MOA
- Competitive inhibition of 5α-reductase
No conversion of testosterone to DHT, esp in male genitalia - Hence decreases prostate size (with higher dose, 5mg)
Also increases hair growth (with lower dose, 1mg)
finasteride clinical effects
improved urine flow, reduces frequency of acute retention of urine & the need to surgical procedures
finasteride clinical treatment
time for effects, serum prostate-specific Ag
May take up to 6 months to see clinical effects after initiating treatment
Serum prostate-specific Ag levels decreases with finasteride
finasteride PK
Well absorbed orally (5 mg OD)
F ~ 0.65