Outline how population size is affected by natality, immigration, mortality and emigration.
- natality: birth rate
- immigration: rate at which individuals move into the population
- mortality: death rate
- emigration: rate at which individuals move out of the population
Draw and label a graph showing a sigmoid (S-shaped) population growth curve.
- lag phase
- Phase 1 exponential phase
- Phase 2 transitional phase
- Phase 3 plateau phase

Explain the reasons for the exponential growth phase
- exponential phase/log phase
population doubles per unit time producing exponential/geometric growth
no limiting factors: nutrients, oxygen, space in ample supply
Explain the reasons for transitional phase
- transitional phase
population growth continues, but at an ever-decreasing rate
limiting factors slow growth rate: nutrients, oxygen, space in ever-shorter supply
. Explain the reasons for plateau phase/stable phase
- plateau phase/stable phase :
population growth slows to zero: population becomes stable limiting factors inhibit growth: nutrients, oxygen, space in short supply
List three factors that set limits to population increase.
density-dependent factors :
- mortality due to disease
- mortality due to predation
- intraspecific competition
density-independent factors :
- mortality due to weather