Distinguish between organic and inorganic compounds (°3)
- Compounds containing carbon that are found in living organisms are regarded as organic.
- Exceptions :
Carbonates (ex. CaCO3)
Hydrogen Carbonates (ex. HCO3)
Oxide of Carbon (ex. CO, CO2)
- All other compounds are regarded as Inorganic.
Amino Acid Structure

Glucose Structure

Ribose structure

Fatty Acid

Give 3 exemples of monosaccharides
- Glucose
- Fructose
- Galactose
Give 3 exemples of disaccharides
- Sucrose
- Maltose
- Lactose
Give 3 exemples of polysaccharides
- Cellulose
- Glycogen
- Starch
Mono : Glucose + Glucose =
Di : Maltose
Mono : Galactose + Glucose =
Di : Lactose
Mono : Glucose + Fructose =
Di : Sucrose
List the function of glucose in animals
Monosaccharide : major energy source for fueling cellular respiration
List the function of lactose in animals :
Disaccharide : Energy source found in mammalian milk.
List the function of glycogen in animals
Polysaccharide : Energy storage in liver.
List the function of Fructose in plants
Monosaccharide : Energy component in flower nectar.
List the function of Sucrose in plants
Disaccharide : Energy molecule transported via phloem.
List the function of cellulose in plants
Polysaccharide : Major structural component of plant wall cell.
Ouline 3 roles of condensation synthesis
Outline 3 roles of Hydrolysis
- Polymers breoken down (= catabolized) into monomers (as in digestion)
- With H2O used as a source of -H and a - OH group
- Catalyzed by enzymes.
Condensation synthesis =
Monomers ANABOLIC ⇒ Polymer
ex. Maltose + Water (Hydrolysis) to form Glucose + Glucose
Hydrolysis =
Polymers CATABOLIC ⇒ Monomers
ex. Glucose + Glucose (Condensation synthesis) to form Maltose + Water
3 ° Condensation synthesis in Fatty acids, Glycerol, Tryglycerides
- Three separate condensation synthesis reactions
- Link three fatty acid monomers to a single glycerol monomer.
- Forming one triglyceride molecule and three H2O molecules.
Hydrolysis in Fatty acids, Glycerol and Triglycerides
3 facts :
- A triglyceride is broken down into one glycerol and three fatty molecules.
- With three H2O molecules used as a source of -H and a -OH groups.
- Catalyzed by enzymes.
Condensation synthesis in Amino Acids and polypeptides
- 2 amino acid monomers are linked to form a dipeptide
- Releasing one H2O molecule
- Repeated condensation synthesis reactions produce polypeptides (=proteins)
Hydrolysis in Amino acids and Polypeptides
- A polypeptide is broken down into two separate amino acid molecules.
- With H2O molecules used as a source of -H and a -OH groups.
- Catalyzed by enzymes
State the 2 facts in the function of energy source in a lipid :
- Concentrated long-term energy storage
- Which can release fuel for cellular respiration as needed.
State 1 facts of the Phospholipid function in a lipid
- Structural framework of cellular membrane
State 1 fact about the function of thermal insulation in a lipid:
- Hormones = Messenger molecules.
Give 2 comparisons of the use of **carbohydrates **in energy storage :
- Glucose, when in excess, linked together by condensation synthesis to form polysaccharides.
- Such as starch, glycogen and chitin.
Give 4 facts about the use of starch in energy storage :
- It is the primary energy storage compund in plants, with alpha-glucose
- Forming either as amylose (unbranched chains)
- Amylopectin (branched chains)
- Long-term storage.
Give 4 facts on the use of Glycogen in energy storage :
- A branched polysaccharide formed from alpha-glucose
- Primary energy storage compound in animals.
- Found mainly in liver and muscle cells.
- Short-term storage
LIPIDS : State 3 facts on the use of triglycerides in energy storage :
- A primary long-term energy storage compound
- Containing twice the amount of energy per unit mass or volume as do either carbohydrates or proteins.
- Long-term storage
LIPIDS : Give 3 facts about the use of C-H bonds in energy storage :
- Along the length of fatty acids are evry stable
- Because the electrons in the C-H bond are equally shared.
- Thus, when these bonds are broken, they yield large sums of energy.