IAS 7 - Cash flow statements Flashcards
Format: Cash flows from operating activities
Profit from operations
Adjusted for:
- add* Depreciation
- less* Gain on disposal of PPE
= Operating CF before WC adjustments
- less* increase inventories
- less* increase receivables
- add* increase payables
Cash generated from Operations
- less* interest paid
- less* taxes paid
Net cash from operating activities
How to calculate interest paid for Cash flow purposes?
Balance (liability) due on opening SOFP
add: Interest charge for the year from SOPL
less: Balance (liability) still due on closing SOFP
= Interest paid during the year (figure for cash flow)
How to calculate taxation paid for the Cash flow statement?
Current tax liability due on opening SOFP
add: deferred tax liability due on opening SOFP
add: tax charges for the year from SOPL
less: current tax liabilities still due on closing SOFP
less: deferred tax liability still due on closing SOFP
Format: Cash flows from investing activities
Acquisition of subsidiary net of cash acquired
less: Purchase of PPE
add: proceeds from sale of equipment
add: interest received
add: dividends received
Net cash used in investing activities
How to calculate the proceeds from disposal of equipment?
NBV/CV of asset sold (what you expect to get)
add: profit made on disposal (taken to SOPL)
= Proceeds from sale
How to calculate the change in PPE?
Non-current assets/ PPE (NBV) bal b/f from opening SOFP
less: depreciation
less: NBV/CV of asset sold
less: bal c/f (from closing SOFP)
= additions in period
Format: Cash flows from financing activities
Proceeds from issue of share capital
add: Proceeds from long-term borrowings
less: Payment of finance lease liabilities
less: Dividends paid
Net cash used in financing activities
How to calculate Proceeds from issuance of share capital?
- Rememeber that the share capital and share premium account are ‘twin accounts’ - nominal value of shares isssued goes to share capital account and premium on the issue goes to premium account*
- Share capital increase*
- add: Share Premium increase*
- = figure for cash flow statement*
What notes are normally reqired for the statement of cash flow?
- Acquisition (disposal) of subsidiary
- Major non-cash transactions (e.g. inception of finance lease)
- Cash and Cash equivalents (analysis of)
- IAS 7 encourages the presentation of operating,investing and financing cash flows by segment