IAS 2 - Inventory Flashcards
The cost of inventories comprises all of the following:
- costs of purchase
- ‘other costs’ incurred in bringing the inventories to their present location and condition
- costs of conversion
Which of the following can be included in the cost of inventory:
- carriage inwards
- import duties
- other handling costs
- salary of person in accounting department
- carriage inwards
- import duties
- other handling costs
What type of conversation costs can be included in the costs of inventory for manufacturing companies?
In addition to direct conversation costs it can also include variable and fixed manufacturing OVERHEADS such as depreciation of factory building and plant as well as variable labor cost.
Can general administration overheads be included in the inventory amount?
No because general administration overheads do not contribute to bringing inventories to their present location and condition.
SAGS - the costs to exclude from inventory valuation
S - Selling costs
A - Abnormal amounts of wasted material, labour and other production costs
G - General administrative overheads
S - Storage
Definition inventory
- held for sale in ordinary course of business
- in the process of production for sale
- in the form of materials or supplies to be consumed in the production process or in the rendering of services
How should inventories be valued?
- At lower of cost and net realisable value of separate items of stock of group of similar items
- on FIFO basis or weighted average method
Define net realisable value
Estimated selling price (ordinary course of business) less estimated completion and selling costs.
What additional information should be provided in the notes?
Inventories should be sub-classified in the notes into main categories (e.g. Raw materials, work-in-progress, finished goods)
What are the key- disclosures of IAS 2 (inventories)
- accounting policies adopted
- any inventories at fair value less costs to sell
- the write-down of inventories and any reversal of write-down