IAS 36 - Impairment of Assets Flashcards
What is the key rule of impairment?
1 Work out Carrying Amount
2 Work out Recoverable Amount (higher of value in use and fair value less costs to sell)
If CA > RA - impair
If CA < RA - do not impair
Dr Impairment Expense
Cr Asset
What are some common indicators of impairment?
Decline in market value
Physical damage
Plans to dispose asset
Technological, legal or economic changes
Accounting for impairment of previously revalued assets
1 Calculate NBV before revaluation
2 Account for revaluation
3 Work out new depn. less old depn. (to be debited to reval reserve)
4 Account for impairment
Dr Reval reserve (by no.3)
Dr Impairment expense (impairment loss less no.3)
Cr Asset (full impairment loss amount)
Impairment of a Cash Generating Unit
1 Charge impairment to Goodwill
2 Allocate remainder Pro-rata
a) cannot impair an asset that has gone up in value
b) can only impair to net realisable value
NB Receivables and Cash always @ NBV
What are the disclosure requirements for IAS 36?
- The amount of impairment losses and which expense category it is included in
- The amount of reversals for impairment losses recognised in the P/L and where it is included.
- The amount of impairment losses recognised directly in equity
- The amount of reversals of impairment losses recognised directly in equity.